キャロウェイディアブロエッジアイアン、現在の設計の赦しアイロン。これらのアイアンは、などなどVFT、S2H2、トゥルーボア改善としてキャロウェイゴルフのコア技術の多くを持っている、と。ミズノJPX800ドライバー長い距離、フィーリングより、性的戦うために最大を達成するために。 VFTテクノロジーは、CGがロングアイアンとショートアイアンやウェッジでより良い軌道の高さで高い打ち出し角を与え、セット内の各鉄で最適な軌道のために低下することができます。KATANA SWORD SNIPERのフェアウェイウッド ディアブロエッジ機能は、360°アンダーカットチャネルが改善された赦しのために境界の重みを最大限に引き出します。 S2H2は、ホーゼルからそれを削除し、クラブヘッドの周囲でそれを再配置することによって自由裁量の重量を増加させます。
彼は多くの利点があります。KATANA SWORD SNIPPER4WDのドライバートーン一方、エッジアイアンは低い、深いCGが低インパクトの位置でスイートスポットをよりアクセシブルにするように設計されています。信頼性を向上させ、アドレスを見て提供しながら、他方では、オフセットホーゼルには影響でクラブフェースを二乗に役立ちます。KATANA SWORD SNIPER Iアイアンキャロウェイについては、今、それはドライバー、アイアン、ウェッジ、パターとボールを含む装置および付属品の完全なスペクトルを包含製品ラインとゴルフの中で最も目に見える名前のいずれかの上場企業です。キャロウェイのディアブロに代わってアイアンは、それはあなたが後悔させません。
Sunday, 1 April 2012
私の視点から、もし誰かが、彼は私が信じない友達がいなかったと述べた。もちろん、卸売ゴルフクラブ 我々は物事のさまざまな種類の友人を作ることができます。我々は人間と友達を作るべきであると言うにはルールはありません。一つは、彼のボール、テレビ、ペットなど他の多くのものがある、または外見てのされたかに関わらず友達になることができます。私にとっては、多くの友人を持っています。ピンG20フェアウェイウッド しかし、ゴルフコースで、私は私の親友としてPing K15アイアンを検討してください。
私はゴルフをしに行くたびに私は私と一緒に取る。今私はあなたに私の友人を紹介します。まず第一に、pingのK15は、長いストレートボールのフライトとミスヒットの最大の許しを生成するために、チタンフェースを備えています。テーラーメイドR11ドライバー そして、それはハイブリッドのようなパフォーマンスを生成するために組み合わせて巨大な頭と非常に広い足の裏でこれを実現しています。ほかには、Ping K15アイアンは、最大寛容設計の恩恵を受けるゴルファーのために設計された複合金属鉄と高発射ハイブリッドで構成されたハイブリッドセットです。さらに、pingのアイアンK15についての最もよい部分は、それらが低スピン、高いボールの飛行のために構築されていることです。これは、そっとボールを着陸させるとピンがグリーン右に貼り付けできることを意味します。また、より多くの許しがあり、ゼクシオプライムドライバー 後にあるボールの飛行を得るためにクラブフェースの中心に直接毎回ボールをヒットする必要がないことを意味します。今、あなたは私の友人について学びましたか?あなたは私と友達になりたいですか?あなたはそれと友達になりたいですか?結局のところ、それはあなたの選択です。しかし、私はあなたのはいを聞いて非常に幸せになる。
私はゴルフをしに行くたびに私は私と一緒に取る。今私はあなたに私の友人を紹介します。まず第一に、pingのK15は、長いストレートボールのフライトとミスヒットの最大の許しを生成するために、チタンフェースを備えています。テーラーメイドR11ドライバー そして、それはハイブリッドのようなパフォーマンスを生成するために組み合わせて巨大な頭と非常に広い足の裏でこれを実現しています。ほかには、Ping K15アイアンは、最大寛容設計の恩恵を受けるゴルファーのために設計された複合金属鉄と高発射ハイブリッドで構成されたハイブリッドセットです。さらに、pingのアイアンK15についての最もよい部分は、それらが低スピン、高いボールの飛行のために構築されていることです。これは、そっとボールを着陸させるとピンがグリーン右に貼り付けできることを意味します。また、より多くの許しがあり、ゼクシオプライムドライバー 後にあるボールの飛行を得るためにクラブフェースの中心に直接毎回ボールをヒットする必要がないことを意味します。今、あなたは私の友人について学びましたか?あなたは私と友達になりたいですか?あなたはそれと友達になりたいですか?結局のところ、それはあなたの選択です。しかし、私はあなたのはいを聞いて非常に幸せになる。
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Rocketballz RBZアイアンズがあなたの新しい人生を開いた
あなたのゲームをより正確に願っていますか?あなたは、ゼクシオプライムフェアウェイウッドより良いあなたのスキルを向上させたいですか?テーラーメイドRocketballz RBZアイアンズがあなたの右の選択である。そのようなツーピースの金属木材の影響を受けた低重心と高COR3、4、5アイアンの建設など多くの利点のRocketballz RBZアイアンコレクション、ゼクシオプライムドライバーニュー振動と音の制御システムは、優れた感触と音を促進し、個別に推進するために設計さというように多くの距離、精度の向上と優れた感触と、。
テーラーメイドRBZアイアンは、より長いストレートをより正確に、よりあなたのゴルフボールを作る。XXIO PRIMEアイアン最近THPは、レビューのためのフォーラムのメンバーにRocketballz RBZテーラーメイドの6セットを送信し、これまでの彼らのフィードバックが印象的であった??。 3、4と5のロングアイアンも長さがヒットする伝統的にハードディスクから赦しとの距離の2つのピースハイブリッド·スタイルの構造を備えています。テーラーメイドR11sドライバーメタル(金属)木(木材)技術と高速屈曲顔と設計、RocketBallzアイアンは、極端な距離、制御精度、信じられない感触を提供するために、進歩の完全パックされています。快適な雰囲気、美しい形状は、ハイテクので、あなたのゴルフツアーをより印象的に統合して結合される。
テーラーメイドRBZアイアンは、より長いストレートをより正確に、よりあなたのゴルフボールを作る。XXIO PRIMEアイアン最近THPは、レビューのためのフォーラムのメンバーにRocketballz RBZテーラーメイドの6セットを送信し、これまでの彼らのフィードバックが印象的であった??。 3、4と5のロングアイアンも長さがヒットする伝統的にハードディスクから赦しとの距離の2つのピースハイブリッド·スタイルの構造を備えています。テーラーメイドR11sドライバーメタル(金属)木(木材)技術と高速屈曲顔と設計、RocketBallzアイアンは、極端な距離、制御精度、信じられない感触を提供するために、進歩の完全パックされています。快適な雰囲気、美しい形状は、ハイテクので、あなたのゴルフツアーをより印象的に統合して結合される。
Friday, 30 March 2012
我々はmoringの作業のために通りを歩いているとき、私たちは常に都市生活は忙しく、疲れていることを感じるだろう。そして今、暖かい春が来ています。なぜ私たちの体と心をリラックスしてコースに行きませんか?実際には、簡単なことだ。ゴルフクラブ あなたが必要とするすべてはあなたの袋に入れて良いキャロウェイディアブロエッジアイアンです。それからちょうどあなたの友人に電話を与えると、週末には良いコースに進みます。私はあなたにこのクラブをお勧めしますなぜここでは、不思議に思うかもしれません。テーラーメイドR11sドライバー を、なぜ次の一節で私はあなたの話をしましょう??。私はディアブロエッジのゴルフclubs.In用語の多くの種類を使用して、私はディアブロエッジが最善だと思います。あなたは私に同意しない場合。あなたはそれについて少し知識を持っている必要があります。その後、より良いインターネットの深い研究を持っていると思います。
キャロウェイゴルフは、彼らの能力を最大限に実行しようとしているエリートゴルファーの要求を満たすために、これらの新たに鍛造アイアンを設計しました。意図的にソフトな1020カーボンスチールとクラブフェースオフ偉大な応答のための高カーペンタースチール面から構築され、ピンG20 ドライバー 伝統的な外観を求めるゴルファーのために設計、エッジアイアンはエリートのゴルフ市場に深刻な候補です。技術のように、3つの点が主にあります。まず、下の、より深いCGは、低インパクトの位置でスイートスポットをよりアクセシブルにするために設計されています。それが大きいほど、一定の距離を生成し、規制のaccuracyforもっと緑を完成。第二に、あなたがアイロンをstrugglewithを開始するセットにマッチしたハイブリッド車を選ぶことで、完全な袋から長い距離を取得します。第三に、ディアブロアイアンでも芝の相互作用を向上させ、ボールが脂肪や薄いキャッチゴルファーを支援するために設計されたディアブロアイロン "ソリッドインパクトソール"を備えています。彼らは、テーラーメイドRocketBallz RBZ ドライバー 中·高handicappersを目的としたゲームの改善セットです。一言で言えば、このディアブロ鉄は非常に素晴らしいです。多くのゴルファーがそれを選ぶ理由、それはためらうことなくです。また、しようとする喜びのためにゴルフをプレイしていることができます。
キャロウェイゴルフは、彼らの能力を最大限に実行しようとしているエリートゴルファーの要求を満たすために、これらの新たに鍛造アイアンを設計しました。意図的にソフトな1020カーボンスチールとクラブフェースオフ偉大な応答のための高カーペンタースチール面から構築され、ピンG20 ドライバー 伝統的な外観を求めるゴルファーのために設計、エッジアイアンはエリートのゴルフ市場に深刻な候補です。技術のように、3つの点が主にあります。まず、下の、より深いCGは、低インパクトの位置でスイートスポットをよりアクセシブルにするために設計されています。それが大きいほど、一定の距離を生成し、規制のaccuracyforもっと緑を完成。第二に、あなたがアイロンをstrugglewithを開始するセットにマッチしたハイブリッド車を選ぶことで、完全な袋から長い距離を取得します。第三に、ディアブロアイアンでも芝の相互作用を向上させ、ボールが脂肪や薄いキャッチゴルファーを支援するために設計されたディアブロアイロン "ソリッドインパクトソール"を備えています。彼らは、テーラーメイドRocketBallz RBZ ドライバー 中·高handicappersを目的としたゲームの改善セットです。一言で言えば、このディアブロ鉄は非常に素晴らしいです。多くのゴルファーがそれを選ぶ理由、それはためらうことなくです。また、しようとする喜びのためにゴルフをプレイしていることができます。
最高のデザインが生まれたとして知られているゴルフクラブは、タイトリスト910 D3ドライバーは、多くの驚きをもたらした。ミズノMP-69アイアン精密部品やアップグレードと製造プロセス、910のドライバの生産安定性と最小のエラーの追求。実際には、910ドライバの傾きと生産時の誤差の上昇はさらに厳しくなっています。本間 BERES MG813 ドライバー明るい黒真珠PVD処理のフルの完了とパフォーマンスが向上します。だからゴルファーは白が美しい外観を越えたと確信しています。
ゴルフは、フィットを維持するための方法です。それは、世界で今、ますます人気になります。なぜそれが人気となってのでしょうか?それはPURフィットを維持するための最良の方法とみなされるためです。テーラーメイドR11ドライバー と人に議論はますます豊かになります。彼らはそれを行うには多くの時間と余分なmioneyを持っています。あなたがゴルフをしたい場合、あなたは良いゴルフクラブを持つ必要があり、プロゴルファーやアマチュアゴルファーであるに関わらず、そうでなければ、あなたは良いゴルフゲームを持っていないでしょう。ブリヂストンVIQドライバー ここで、私はあなたに良いゴルフクラブをお勧めします。それは、Ping K15ドライバです。私の目に、それは我々のゴルフを改善するための良いツールです。 pingのK15は、高い起動するための重心を置き、長いドライブを運ぶために外部の重量パッドと組み合わせて細長いヘッドのデザインをしています。
これは、かかとに向かってヘッドの質量の約10%を集中させて自然なクラブヘッドの回転を促進する直線飛行テクノロジー(SFT)で設計されています。私は何度もそれを使用しています。Maruman MAJESTY VANQUISH VR アイアン 私はあまりにも多くのドライバーが好きです。これは私があなたのすべてにそれをお勧めしたい理由です。それを使用して、私のゲームWAはあまりにも改善されました。過去に私は大きな200ヤードのバナナスライスを打った。 K15ドライバで私もそれをスライスすることはできません。それはまっすぐになり、時には素敵なドローを持っています。私はスイングがドローを生成するために期待される最後の一人だけど、キャロウェイX-24 HOTアイアン それはこのクラブで行います。今、あなたは、pingドライバK15を試してみてください。
これは、かかとに向かってヘッドの質量の約10%を集中させて自然なクラブヘッドの回転を促進する直線飛行テクノロジー(SFT)で設計されています。私は何度もそれを使用しています。Maruman MAJESTY VANQUISH VR アイアン 私はあまりにも多くのドライバーが好きです。これは私があなたのすべてにそれをお勧めしたい理由です。それを使用して、私のゲームWAはあまりにも改善されました。過去に私は大きな200ヤードのバナナスライスを打った。 K15ドライバで私もそれをスライスすることはできません。それはまっすぐになり、時には素敵なドローを持っています。私はスイングがドローを生成するために期待される最後の一人だけど、キャロウェイX-24 HOTアイアン それはこのクラブで行います。今、あなたは、pingドライバK15を試してみてください。
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
なたはあなたの友人のための新年の贈り物を与えれば、今では新しい年であり、誰もが、喜びに浸漬されますか?今では贈り物に手遅れではありませんが、私はあなたのゴルフの友人のための新年の贈り物としてテーラーメイドバーナー2.0アイアンを選ぶ可能性が示唆された。KATANA SWORD SNIPERのフェアウェイウッド 方法について私の考え?あなたが知っているように、キャロウェイは、機器のprogrossで、過去に多くのバーナーアイアンをリリースしました、キャロウェイ社は新しいバーナーの全体に個別に設計された高性能のゴルフクラブとゴルファーを提供するために、ミズノMP-69アイアン オリジナルのバーナーアイアンの成功の上に構築さ2.0アイアンを開始しました設定します。
あなたがそうアイロンとなじみされていない場合は、全体的な距離の出力、信頼性の方向制御と改良された感触に基づいた独自の忠実な、次を得るために2.0アイアンを探します。あなたがそれらについて知ってしたいもの、テーラーメイドRocketBallz RBZ ドライバー あなたが知っている必要があります拳の事は本当に長いということです!長いアイアンで、サウンドを向上させるために本当に助けている見ることができない材料の硬いナイロン層があります。 "テーラーメイドが均一な距離のギャップを促進するために個別に設計された各クラブでテーラーメイドバーナー2.0でさらにそのコンセプトを開発しました各ショットを満たす感触と音を提供します。
私の心に、新しいテーラーメイドバーナー2.0鉄は本当に素晴らしいですし、割引ゴルフクラブ 新しいアイアンの市場内にある場合、彼らは非常に市場で賞賛を得る、私はあなたが2.0アイアンを試してみて取るべきお勧めします。自分でそれを使って再生する場合にのみ、あなたはそれが本当に素晴らしいでしょう!
あなたがそうアイロンとなじみされていない場合は、全体的な距離の出力、信頼性の方向制御と改良された感触に基づいた独自の忠実な、次を得るために2.0アイアンを探します。あなたがそれらについて知ってしたいもの、テーラーメイドRocketBallz RBZ ドライバー あなたが知っている必要があります拳の事は本当に長いということです!長いアイアンで、サウンドを向上させるために本当に助けている見ることができない材料の硬いナイロン層があります。 "テーラーメイドが均一な距離のギャップを促進するために個別に設計された各クラブでテーラーメイドバーナー2.0でさらにそのコンセプトを開発しました各ショットを満たす感触と音を提供します。
私の心に、新しいテーラーメイドバーナー2.0鉄は本当に素晴らしいですし、割引ゴルフクラブ 新しいアイアンの市場内にある場合、彼らは非常に市場で賞賛を得る、私はあなたが2.0アイアンを試してみて取るべきお勧めします。自分でそれを使って再生する場合にのみ、あなたはそれが本当に素晴らしいでしょう!
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
The Burner 2.0 Irons are a popular Burner 2012
The Burner line of irons are built for distance with stronger lofts and longer shafts than a typical iron. The newer TaylorMade Burner 2.0 Irons have even more improvements to help give you more distance without giving up the accuracy that you desperately need. If you have not seen the commercial yet with long hitting Dustin Johnson, then you should hop on YouTube and take a peek at it. He hits the 3 iron a very long ways for anybody hitting a 3 iron and it is pretty accurate for someone of his ability.The TaylorMade Burner 2.0 Irons are the best of both worlds making them the answer to the hybrid/iron sets that higher handicap players use. These are built for those that are able to hit good golf shots, but might need the right equipment to take their game to the next level. Taylormade took the time to figure out a way to develop eight individual clubs instead of just eight clubs that fit into a set.TaylorMade R11 Driver This means you have a different club in your hand that will give you a different result every single time.
Also, on the other side of things, if you are a very low handicap golfer, then these are not meant for you because they are built for accuracy while adding distance.Callaway X-24 HOT Irons This means you will not get as much spin from these clubs as you might be used to and controlling the golf ball might be a bit more difficult for someone that likes to work the ball both right and left.The design of these irons is meant to deliver a faster ball speed and it is designed to make your missed shots better. Callaway X-22 Irons If you watched the commercial with Dustin Johnson hitting the 3 iron, then you might have noticed at the bottom there is a caption that states he does not play these specific irons in the tournaments he enters. The new black steel and chromed sole, along with the carbon fibered look in the cavity make this a much more attractive iron overall. Distances were very consistent and ball flight, although a bit high, was alright by me. Some may not care for the added height but all in all, a much better performer than it's previous version. For certain, these will be a solid performer for Taylor Made Golf's new lines for 2012.
Also, on the other side of things, if you are a very low handicap golfer, then these are not meant for you because they are built for accuracy while adding distance.Callaway X-24 HOT Irons This means you will not get as much spin from these clubs as you might be used to and controlling the golf ball might be a bit more difficult for someone that likes to work the ball both right and left.The design of these irons is meant to deliver a faster ball speed and it is designed to make your missed shots better. Callaway X-22 Irons If you watched the commercial with Dustin Johnson hitting the 3 iron, then you might have noticed at the bottom there is a caption that states he does not play these specific irons in the tournaments he enters. The new black steel and chromed sole, along with the carbon fibered look in the cavity make this a much more attractive iron overall. Distances were very consistent and ball flight, although a bit high, was alright by me. Some may not care for the added height but all in all, a much better performer than it's previous version. For certain, these will be a solid performer for Taylor Made Golf's new lines for 2012.
Monday, 26 March 2012
2012年の初めに、私は新しいパターを購入することを見ていましたし、タイトリスト 712 AP2 アイアン 常にタイトリストスコッティキャメロンスタジオセレクトニューポート2パターに興味を持っています。私は彼らがツアープレーヤーの大部分で使用されている知っている。私の質問はここで、任意のメンバーがスコッティキャメロンのパターを使用して、あなたはそれが有益な理由を発見したかですか?私の友人は、あなたがそれらを具体的にあなたの個々のゲームのために作ら購入するという、これは本当ですか?驚いたことに、ミズノMP-69アイアン 私は別のゴルフクラブを購入する場合にのみ、私は、スコッティキャメロンのパターは、無料で入手することができ、それらはコンボセットですが、それは本当に私の想像を超えています!
最後に、私は理想的なテーラーメイドR11ドライバーを持って、割引ゴルフクラブ 私は彼らが本当にお金の価値が言いたいことを、自由にパターを持って!最近、パタースコッティキャメロントップ売り手は多くのゴルフ店で、私はそれは二つの理由があると思いますとなります。まず第一に、多くのそれのような人とそうではあなたも試しに1つを購入したい、あなたが良いと感じた場合、あなたの友人にそれを紹介しますので、購入する多くの人々につながる。第二に、本間 BERES MG813 ドライバー 主な理由は、その品質と性能です。二つの理由に基づいて、スコッティキャメロンのパターは、私の生活の中で私のゴルフの友人です。
最後に、私は理想的なテーラーメイドR11ドライバーを持って、割引ゴルフクラブ 私は彼らが本当にお金の価値が言いたいことを、自由にパターを持って!最近、パタースコッティキャメロントップ売り手は多くのゴルフ店で、私はそれは二つの理由があると思いますとなります。まず第一に、多くのそれのような人とそうではあなたも試しに1つを購入したい、あなたが良いと感じた場合、あなたの友人にそれを紹介しますので、購入する多くの人々につながる。第二に、本間 BERES MG813 ドライバー 主な理由は、その品質と性能です。二つの理由に基づいて、スコッティキャメロンのパターは、私の生活の中で私のゴルフの友人です。
Sunday, 25 March 2012
ゴルフスポーツに言えば、私は、テーラーメイドゴルフは彼らの心でより人気があるので、テーラーメイドR11sドライバー すべてのゴルフプレーヤーは、テーラーメイドのゴルフブランドの話と思います。この記事では、テーラーメイドR11ドライバーのトップ売について話をする必要があります。多分すべてのプレイヤーがこのドライバではおなじみですが、ピンG20フェアウェイウッド 人々はどこに気づくでしょう最初のことはクラブが工場ドライバの通常の実行ではないということです。この1つは、それが白に仕上がっているという点で、"幽霊"です。式の後半では、テーラーメイドは、その驚異的な調整機能を刷新しており、罰金だけでははるかに良いR11ドライバを作ってそれをチューニングすることです。
他のテイラーメイドのドライバーとして、私はドライバを取得するには、テーラーメイドR11ドライバー まず、それは、固体であるとき。私は白い外観が好きです。 TM techologyは素晴らしいです。雪が消えた後テーラーメイドR11は私のバッグに入ります。時間のゴルファー長いとは年間たくさんのテーラーメイドドライバーを使用しています。私は、卸売ゴルフクラブ R11の設定の柔軟性のような、最初は様々な組み合わせで再生が、標準の設定でバックアップを取った。何が起こるかに関係なく、私は私のバッグに長い時間でR11テーラーメイドドライバーを保持しません。あなたがテーラーメイドのゴルフファンであれば、またドライバを試すことができます!
他のテイラーメイドのドライバーとして、私はドライバを取得するには、テーラーメイドR11ドライバー まず、それは、固体であるとき。私は白い外観が好きです。 TM techologyは素晴らしいです。雪が消えた後テーラーメイドR11は私のバッグに入ります。時間のゴルファー長いとは年間たくさんのテーラーメイドドライバーを使用しています。私は、卸売ゴルフクラブ R11の設定の柔軟性のような、最初は様々な組み合わせで再生が、標準の設定でバックアップを取った。何が起こるかに関係なく、私は私のバッグに長い時間でR11テーラーメイドドライバーを保持しません。あなたがテーラーメイドのゴルフファンであれば、またドライバを試すことができます!
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Ping K15 brings you good performance
Nowadays, Ping Golf is well welcomed among golf players. As once a family-owned company, today Ping is a synonymous with innovation, quality and service in the world of golf. It is said that the Ping K15 Irons is a very popuar golf club. John K. Solheim, who leads Ping's golf club engineering sector, believes the addition of the Ping K15 Series of clubs to the company's successful G15 and i15 family will help golfers better determine the technology best suited for their games. If you are somewhat inconsistent, the forgiveness will help. If you fight the hook, these will be great. If you need legal grooves, these are ready to go. Every single element that you will find in K15 Irons is made to perfection and to give the buyer the ultimate in the ability to be able to fare excellently well in the game. The k15 irons are a replacement for the Rapture V2 range NOT the G15 range. PING golf run their product lines for 2 years so a replacement for G15 won't be introduced until autumn 2011. In other words your irons are the latest in the G range and haven't been superseded by the K range that is aimed at the super game improvement market.
The ping irons k15, which the company claim are engineered to help golfers bring their shots back on line using what the company's designers call 'Straight Flight Technology.' set. A lightweight titanium face is combined with a stainless steel body and a wide sole to help launch the ball higher. The lightweight face is the largest in Ping's range to provide plenty of forgiveness. The ping k15 Iron Set is a blended set comprised of multi-metal irons and higher launching hybrids. The K15 iron/hybrid set is designed for golfers who benefit from a maximum forgiveness design. The titanium face and steel body of the K15 iron creates a higher moment of inertia for greater accuracy and consistent distance results across the club face. The wide-soled irons feature a low and deep center of gravity position to promote higher trajectories. Two stainless steel hybrids offer options to replace a traditional 5 or 6 iron while the 3- and 4-hybrids ensure higher-launching shots for slower swing speed golfers. Each hybrid is engineered with patent-pending technology which reduces spin and increases launch. From the above we can come to the conclusion that the K15 Irons is really good club. All golfers know that no one can play a good game of golf without a good set of irons. So if you want have good performance use Ping K15.
The ping irons k15, which the company claim are engineered to help golfers bring their shots back on line using what the company's designers call 'Straight Flight Technology.' set. A lightweight titanium face is combined with a stainless steel body and a wide sole to help launch the ball higher. The lightweight face is the largest in Ping's range to provide plenty of forgiveness. The ping k15 Iron Set is a blended set comprised of multi-metal irons and higher launching hybrids. The K15 iron/hybrid set is designed for golfers who benefit from a maximum forgiveness design. The titanium face and steel body of the K15 iron creates a higher moment of inertia for greater accuracy and consistent distance results across the club face. The wide-soled irons feature a low and deep center of gravity position to promote higher trajectories. Two stainless steel hybrids offer options to replace a traditional 5 or 6 iron while the 3- and 4-hybrids ensure higher-launching shots for slower swing speed golfers. Each hybrid is engineered with patent-pending technology which reduces spin and increases launch. From the above we can come to the conclusion that the K15 Irons is really good club. All golfers know that no one can play a good game of golf without a good set of irons. So if you want have good performance use Ping K15.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
あなたはゴルフをするのが好きですか?あなたのゴルフバッグには何のゴルフクラブですか?XXIO PRIMEアイアン このフォーラムletはゴルフクラブについて何かを話すと、私たちは私たちのゴルフバッグに取るべきかのゴルフクラブを知ってみましょ。私は二年間のゴルフファンだったし、pingなどG20アイアン、r11のドライバーとして、私のバッグに何か新しいものを入れたいとしています。あなたのバッグに同じゴルフクラブを持っていますか?それがすべてに知られている、ゼクシオプライムドライバー Pingやテーラーメイドは、市場では、新しいクラブ、どのようにそれらについてを開始しました?
私は非常にping G20を賞賛し、私のゴルフの友人のすべてにお勧めする必要があります。ここでは、私の経験を共有したいと思います。長い間、中間G20アイアンは私が前に経験していないことを赦しのレベルを示しています。卸売ゴルフクラブ 私は悪いボールをヒットした回数を数えることはできませんが、うめい/うめい/私は私の演奏のパートナーがことを私に与えているように私のスイングを終えたOHはno'd"間違いでは?"結果を見た後グレア。つま先ショット、ヒールショットすべての低グルーヴァーズ、ほとんどの塊は、このようなundeservedly良好な結果を与えることが起こっているべきかを知って笑いだけの種類。
これはG20アイアンのポイントだ - 彼らは少し楽にゴルフを行います。私は "選手"アイアンは毎年のバランスよりも袋に入れて、彼らと数週間の、ほんの一握りでより多くの"良いミス"がありました。ゼクシオプライムフェアウェイウッド カジュアルラウンドではこれらの余分なチャンスは、ゲームfunnerを作る - トーナメントゴルフにそれらのチャンスは作るカット、背の高いトロフィー、そして大きな給料まで追加できます。また、pingのゴルフファンであれば、私は、pingアイアンG20があなたのゴルフバッグに入れなければならないと思います。
私は非常にping G20を賞賛し、私のゴルフの友人のすべてにお勧めする必要があります。ここでは、私の経験を共有したいと思います。長い間、中間G20アイアンは私が前に経験していないことを赦しのレベルを示しています。卸売ゴルフクラブ 私は悪いボールをヒットした回数を数えることはできませんが、うめい/うめい/私は私の演奏のパートナーがことを私に与えているように私のスイングを終えたOHはno'd"間違いでは?"結果を見た後グレア。つま先ショット、ヒールショットすべての低グルーヴァーズ、ほとんどの塊は、このようなundeservedly良好な結果を与えることが起こっているべきかを知って笑いだけの種類。
これはG20アイアンのポイントだ - 彼らは少し楽にゴルフを行います。私は "選手"アイアンは毎年のバランスよりも袋に入れて、彼らと数週間の、ほんの一握りでより多くの"良いミス"がありました。ゼクシオプライムフェアウェイウッド カジュアルラウンドではこれらの余分なチャンスは、ゲームfunnerを作る - トーナメントゴルフにそれらのチャンスは作るカット、背の高いトロフィー、そして大きな給料まで追加できます。また、pingのゴルフファンであれば、私は、pingアイアンG20があなたのゴルフバッグに入れなければならないと思います。
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
ゴルフ時間が近づいているとして、あなたのゴルフクラブの良い準備私の親愛なる友人を持っていますか?最大のゴルフファンとして、私はすでに自分のために持ってきた---テーラーメイドR11sドライバを。MARUMAN MAJESTY VANQUISH-VR フェアウェイウッド それはとても幻想的だったと私は強くそれをあなたにお勧めします。今、私は詳細にあなたに伝えたい。
私が最初にr11sテーラーメイドのドライバーを見たとき、私はそのapperence惹かれました。キャロウェイRAZR Xアイアン オリジナルR11ドライバーと同様に、テーラーメイドr11sはティーオフ精度とアライメントを改善するためにブラックPVD面とフラットホワイトクラウンの色を組み合わせたものです。白いクラウンはR11Sがアドレスで自信を増加させる、2%より大きいように見えます。現代の古典的なクラブヘッドの形状はまだ平均プレーヤーに赦しと信頼を提供しながら、優れたプレーヤーのために設計されています。 R11Sは、ブリヂストンVIQドライバー 高いMOIと遠いバックとクラブの深い重心を実現、従来のドライバーよりもやや三角形ヘッドです。
さらに、テーラーメイドR11sドライバは、現在開いている、わずかに開いた、ニュートラル、わずかに閉じて、閉じた顔の角度を可能にします。それはあなたが私と同意するので、convenient.Doですか?タイトリスト 712 AP2 アイアンソールプレートはロフトとフェース角の40の組み合わせを作成するためにテーラーメイドのフライト·コントロール·テクノロジーに対応しています。単独で使用する場合、FCTはシャフトスリーブのシステムを介して、ロフト、フェース角を調整します。調節可能なソールプレートは、ロフトの顔の角度に依存しないを調整することができます。この組み合わせはテーラーメイドR11Sは、横方向の軌道調整の約60ヤードを提供していますことを意味します。これは単なる私の説明です。
私が最初にr11sテーラーメイドのドライバーを見たとき、私はそのapperence惹かれました。キャロウェイRAZR Xアイアン オリジナルR11ドライバーと同様に、テーラーメイドr11sはティーオフ精度とアライメントを改善するためにブラックPVD面とフラットホワイトクラウンの色を組み合わせたものです。白いクラウンはR11Sがアドレスで自信を増加させる、2%より大きいように見えます。現代の古典的なクラブヘッドの形状はまだ平均プレーヤーに赦しと信頼を提供しながら、優れたプレーヤーのために設計されています。 R11Sは、ブリヂストンVIQドライバー 高いMOIと遠いバックとクラブの深い重心を実現、従来のドライバーよりもやや三角形ヘッドです。
さらに、テーラーメイドR11sドライバは、現在開いている、わずかに開いた、ニュートラル、わずかに閉じて、閉じた顔の角度を可能にします。それはあなたが私と同意するので、convenient.Doですか?タイトリスト 712 AP2 アイアンソールプレートはロフトとフェース角の40の組み合わせを作成するためにテーラーメイドのフライト·コントロール·テクノロジーに対応しています。単独で使用する場合、FCTはシャフトスリーブのシステムを介して、ロフト、フェース角を調整します。調節可能なソールプレートは、ロフトの顔の角度に依存しないを調整することができます。この組み合わせはテーラーメイドR11Sは、横方向の軌道調整の約60ヤードを提供していますことを意味します。これは単なる私の説明です。
How about talking something about the G20 Driver?How about talking something about the G20 Driver?
Hey guys, what are you talking about? When I am walking to put away with my golf equipments I can usually see people got together talking. After having joined several times' talking I got the idea they are talking about whether how to improve their golf skills or what brands of clubs they are using. Considering this, I came quickly to them. Today I would like to share my favorite club---the Ping G20 Driver to them. I am not sure whether some of them have had one, but I am very happy that I have bought one. As far as I know, according to Ping, the g20 driver is brash for all adeptness levels. External weighting helps battery the affectionate Ping G20 with a high, low spinning affray flight for best abuttals and accuracy. The ping drivers g20 has a hardly added face than the G15 and at address the able appears bigger, although not actually as abounding as the K15. This is able by a shallower apogee and aswell visually by a lighter brownish ablaze finish.
If you hold on a ping g20 you will alarm a able yet afflicted actualization bogus of titanium that just wants you to acquit it on some poor bitter golf ball. Sure the curve is abounding and hardly connected (460cc) but it's not huge across you feel like you're accustomed a babyish SUV on a stick. When you ancient waggle the G20 Driver club you feel that the antipode and weighting is complete which is due to the shaft accepting abounding hardly aloft its centermost while advance the feel and weight of the club head. Although the conflicting weight has been abashed from the heel to the ashamed of the club you about alarm it at address. I'll draft on the shaft a little afterwards but in acceding of looks it's absolute affiliated to what was offered abide year in the G15 and the K15 and meshes able with the all-embracing accessory of the Ping G20. The G20 Driver has a added accomplished than G15 (7 grams added than standard) for greater force at impact. Additional backweighting and a added connected face coffer up misses. (Ping "shaved" the accomplished in the low toe across to accommodated the 460cc admeasurement limit.) The reconfigured clubhead — 5 percent academy moment of aloofness on heel or toe hits — combines with a light, 45.75-inch "high-balance point" shaft (TFC 169D or TFC 169D Tour) to accession clubhead dispatch and, thus, distance. After saying so much about the Ping G20 Driver, now have you got the main idea of my talking? That is it is a club all my gof friends should have had.
If you hold on a ping g20 you will alarm a able yet afflicted actualization bogus of titanium that just wants you to acquit it on some poor bitter golf ball. Sure the curve is abounding and hardly connected (460cc) but it's not huge across you feel like you're accustomed a babyish SUV on a stick. When you ancient waggle the G20 Driver club you feel that the antipode and weighting is complete which is due to the shaft accepting abounding hardly aloft its centermost while advance the feel and weight of the club head. Although the conflicting weight has been abashed from the heel to the ashamed of the club you about alarm it at address. I'll draft on the shaft a little afterwards but in acceding of looks it's absolute affiliated to what was offered abide year in the G15 and the K15 and meshes able with the all-embracing accessory of the Ping G20. The G20 Driver has a added accomplished than G15 (7 grams added than standard) for greater force at impact. Additional backweighting and a added connected face coffer up misses. (Ping "shaved" the accomplished in the low toe across to accommodated the 460cc admeasurement limit.) The reconfigured clubhead — 5 percent academy moment of aloofness on heel or toe hits — combines with a light, 45.75-inch "high-balance point" shaft (TFC 169D or TFC 169D Tour) to accession clubhead dispatch and, thus, distance. After saying so much about the Ping G20 Driver, now have you got the main idea of my talking? That is it is a club all my gof friends should have had.
Saturday, 17 March 2012
The Taylormade RBZ Driver hit balls easily
Having been a golf fan for several years, I am a Taylormade fan all the time. TaylorMade Golf Company today puts out a new revolutionary driver, the Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Driver. There is no agnosticism that I had bought one. Of course, it aswell didn't accomplish me despaired. Everytime when I got perfect performance on golf course I would be thankful to the TaylorMade Golf Company in my heart. For I deeply know that it is just because I had a Rocketballz RBZ driver so I could play golf so well. Now I would like to share some details about it. The Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade is made for the mid to high-handicap golfers who want more distance and forgiveness so that they can hit it farther and still have a good control on the ball flight. The Flight Control Technology innovation has been incorporated into the driver, and this allows golfers to easily adjust the face angle, loft and lie to one of eight settings.
It also features TaylorMade's Inverted Cone Technology that has been milled directly into the back of the Taylormade RBZ Driver clubface---this helps to make the sweetspot bigger, which means more forgiveness on off-centre hits. There is also a Tour version model, which the likes of Jason Day and Camilo Villegas will be using in 2012.Rocketballz is the name of the new line of drivers, irons or golf balls. The company aims to add distance for players. This new line could be a problem for other companies. This is because they attract customers with distance. Rocketballz are said to be designed for mid and high-handicap golf players. The TaylorMade RBZ driver is said to improve the scores of golfers as they play for long distance. Having said so much about it, now I will ask you some questions. What kind of golf club do you have? What do you require about your club? Will you ask that it must hit balls easily? I do recemmond you to buy a TaylorMade RBZ driver club, it absolutely hit balls easily.
It also features TaylorMade's Inverted Cone Technology that has been milled directly into the back of the Taylormade RBZ Driver clubface---this helps to make the sweetspot bigger, which means more forgiveness on off-centre hits. There is also a Tour version model, which the likes of Jason Day and Camilo Villegas will be using in 2012.Rocketballz is the name of the new line of drivers, irons or golf balls. The company aims to add distance for players. This new line could be a problem for other companies. This is because they attract customers with distance. Rocketballz are said to be designed for mid and high-handicap golf players. The TaylorMade RBZ driver is said to improve the scores of golfers as they play for long distance. Having said so much about it, now I will ask you some questions. What kind of golf club do you have? What do you require about your club? Will you ask that it must hit balls easily? I do recemmond you to buy a TaylorMade RBZ driver club, it absolutely hit balls easily.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Burner 2.0 Driver,do it yourself
As we know, TaylorMade is one of the major brands in golf. But do you know why it's so famous? In fact, the most important factor determining the success of an organization is the not the best products. Without strong people, the best products, technologies and innovations will fade away. Just like the famous PGA players, they are good enough and have the best equipments so that they can make the best in the course. If you want to make the best, you should have the best equipment. Here,I recommend this TaylorMade Burner SuperFast 2.0 Driver to you. Then, you should make your effort to be better and better. You can also get more distance, straighter. One day, you can also make the best performance just like the golf stars. You may wonder why I suggest you to buy this 2.0 driver. Facts prove that it's really a nice choice. In the following, you will understand why I said like that.
Like the TaylorMade R11 driver you'll notice that the taylormade burner 2.0 has the same white matte no glare finish, which is absolutely gorgeous. The head shape is a little larger than the R11, but is still very pleasing to the eye at address. It will give you a ton of confidence. As for the features, there are mainly three points.Firstly,long shaft, lighter weight and new low-drag aerodynamics promote faster swing speed for more distance.Secondly,new head shape and Inverted Cone face technology create the largest sweetspot of any TaylorMade driver. Thirdly, lightest TaylorMade driver ever,279 grams. In the end, I'd like to recommend this burner 2.0 Driver to you. It's only my suggestion.You should make your decision by yourself.
Like the TaylorMade R11 driver you'll notice that the taylormade burner 2.0 has the same white matte no glare finish, which is absolutely gorgeous. The head shape is a little larger than the R11, but is still very pleasing to the eye at address. It will give you a ton of confidence. As for the features, there are mainly three points.Firstly,long shaft, lighter weight and new low-drag aerodynamics promote faster swing speed for more distance.Secondly,new head shape and Inverted Cone face technology create the largest sweetspot of any TaylorMade driver. Thirdly, lightest TaylorMade driver ever,279 grams. In the end, I'd like to recommend this burner 2.0 Driver to you. It's only my suggestion.You should make your decision by yourself.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Would you like to have a look at my G20 Driver
As a golf fan I have many friends who also like playig golf very much. Whenever we get together we would like to talk about our golf equipments. Several days ago, I bought a new golf club---Ping G20 Driver and I like it very much. I couldn't help to being happy when I am imaging my taliking about the ping g20 with my friends. I am sure they will like it too. But now I can't wait to stay calm, I need to share it with you. When the G20 Driver first arrived to THP I couldn't wait to open the box. For a company that doesn't saturate you with marketing, PING managed to provide some subtle buzz leading up to this club's release and once I opened the box I saw that the subtle buzz was well justified. Holding the ping drivers g20 in your hand makes you just stare at the club in wonderment.
You notice a powerful yet elegant shape made of titanium that just wants you to unleash it on some poor unsuspecting golf ball. Sure the profile is large and slightly elongated (460cc) but it's not huge where you feel like you're swinging a small SUV on a stick. When you first waggle the club you feel that the balance and weighting is perfect which is due to the shaft being weighted slightly above its center while maintaining the feel and weight of the club head. Although the external weight has been moved from the heel to the back of the club you barely notice it at address. I'll touch on the shaft a little later but in terms of looks it's very similar to what was offered last year in the G15 and the K15 and meshes well with the overall look of the G20. The g20 driver has a heavier head than G15 (7 grams more than standard) for greater force at impact. Additional backweighting and a more elongated face shore up misses. (Ping "shaved" the head in the low toe area to meet the 460cc size limit.) The reconfigured clubhead — 5 percent higher moment of inertia on heel or toe hits — combines with a light, 45.75-inch "high-balance point" shaft (TFC 169D or TFC 169D Tour) to boost clubhead speed and, thus, distance. Specifically, the TFC 169D shaft has more flexible tip and butt sections for softer feel. Having heard so much about my talking, now would like to have a look at my Ping G20 Driver. I am sure that if you had used it once you will soon fall in love with it.
You notice a powerful yet elegant shape made of titanium that just wants you to unleash it on some poor unsuspecting golf ball. Sure the profile is large and slightly elongated (460cc) but it's not huge where you feel like you're swinging a small SUV on a stick. When you first waggle the club you feel that the balance and weighting is perfect which is due to the shaft being weighted slightly above its center while maintaining the feel and weight of the club head. Although the external weight has been moved from the heel to the back of the club you barely notice it at address. I'll touch on the shaft a little later but in terms of looks it's very similar to what was offered last year in the G15 and the K15 and meshes well with the overall look of the G20. The g20 driver has a heavier head than G15 (7 grams more than standard) for greater force at impact. Additional backweighting and a more elongated face shore up misses. (Ping "shaved" the head in the low toe area to meet the 460cc size limit.) The reconfigured clubhead — 5 percent higher moment of inertia on heel or toe hits — combines with a light, 45.75-inch "high-balance point" shaft (TFC 169D or TFC 169D Tour) to boost clubhead speed and, thus, distance. Specifically, the TFC 169D shaft has more flexible tip and butt sections for softer feel. Having heard so much about my talking, now would like to have a look at my Ping G20 Driver. I am sure that if you had used it once you will soon fall in love with it.
Not miss the Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Irons
TaylorMade is one of the major brands in golf, and no matter what the future holds, its place in golf history is secure.You may wonder why I said that,do you know it is the company that introduced metal woods to the game. And this Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Irons are the one of the best outstanding products they make. RBZ means Rocketballz,what a wonderful name! TaylorMade Golf, today introduced these irons,a progressive and dynamic set engineered to deliver effortless distance and a higher and straighter ball flight. So,if you wan to get your golfing improved,this Rocketballz RBZ Irons is indeed a best choice. The best company,the best club and the best performance. Here,there are more informations offered for you in the following passage. Just have a look.
Firstly,when you see these Irons,you will find the Clubhead Shapes are progressively designed. RocketBallz clubheads are progressively shaped, with smaller, compact short-irons, deep undercut-cavity middle-irons and large, hollow long-irons. Secondly,new technology promotes accuracy. Key to the improved accuracy of Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade is the new "Toe-Bar" feature, positioned in the upper toe, and the new design of the Inverted Cone. Fast-faced irons suffer in terms of accuracy because the asymmetrical shape of an iron face naturally causes the flex-point of the face to direct the ball off-line. The Toe-Bar and redesigned Inverted Cone together stiffen the toe-area of the clubface so that when the face flexes it directs the ball straight forward. Thirdly,advanced engineering for better feel. All in all,the Taylormade RBZ Irons is the winning combination of distance and accuracy. That's why they are a game game-changer and positions to be one of the greatest iron sets in company history. Wonderful product,you should not miss.
Firstly,when you see these Irons,you will find the Clubhead Shapes are progressively designed. RocketBallz clubheads are progressively shaped, with smaller, compact short-irons, deep undercut-cavity middle-irons and large, hollow long-irons. Secondly,new technology promotes accuracy. Key to the improved accuracy of Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade is the new "Toe-Bar" feature, positioned in the upper toe, and the new design of the Inverted Cone. Fast-faced irons suffer in terms of accuracy because the asymmetrical shape of an iron face naturally causes the flex-point of the face to direct the ball off-line. The Toe-Bar and redesigned Inverted Cone together stiffen the toe-area of the clubface so that when the face flexes it directs the ball straight forward. Thirdly,advanced engineering for better feel. All in all,the Taylormade RBZ Irons is the winning combination of distance and accuracy. That's why they are a game game-changer and positions to be one of the greatest iron sets in company history. Wonderful product,you should not miss.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade, a game-changing breakthrough in golf
It's true that the TaylorMade Golf Clubs have never bring people down. The TaylorMade Golf today is unveiling the longest, most innovative high performance fairway woods that golfers have ever met in their golf playing time. The new RocketBallz metal woods are years in the making, a byproduct of extensive research and development to find breakthrough performance in fairway woods, most specifically increased ball speed. The TaylorMade RocketBallZ RBZ Fairway Woods has been developed specifically to help increase ball speed which in turn will allow you to generate more distance.
"The Rocketballz RBZ Fairway Woods represent a game-changing breakthrough in performance comparable to few products in the history of our industry," said Sean Toulon, Executive Vice President of TaylorMade. "To hold a RocketBallz metal wood in your hands is to possess confidence, power, speed and distance potential that will regularly and quite literally redefine the long game for golfers." Major challenges had to be surmounted to develop RocketBallz technology, including the need to create a durable yet flexible sole/face structure with a deep sole pocket. Additionally, we needed a deeper face design and low CG to maintain excellent playability off turf. Lastly, the products needed a front-low CG without sacrificing playability and control. To achieve these qualities, the Taylormade RBZ Fairway Woods were developed with a high-strength 455 steel face plate welded to a cast body. They incorporate improved sole geometry and a "Speed Pocket" to improve overall head and face flexibility and a slightly deeper face with a further-forward CG location than traditional designs. Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade, as a game-changing breakthrough in golf performance is highly spoken of by lots of golfers and it really does a good job on golf course. So, my dear friends, just go to buy one.
"The Rocketballz RBZ Fairway Woods represent a game-changing breakthrough in performance comparable to few products in the history of our industry," said Sean Toulon, Executive Vice President of TaylorMade. "To hold a RocketBallz metal wood in your hands is to possess confidence, power, speed and distance potential that will regularly and quite literally redefine the long game for golfers." Major challenges had to be surmounted to develop RocketBallz technology, including the need to create a durable yet flexible sole/face structure with a deep sole pocket. Additionally, we needed a deeper face design and low CG to maintain excellent playability off turf. Lastly, the products needed a front-low CG without sacrificing playability and control. To achieve these qualities, the Taylormade RBZ Fairway Woods were developed with a high-strength 455 steel face plate welded to a cast body. They incorporate improved sole geometry and a "Speed Pocket" to improve overall head and face flexibility and a slightly deeper face with a further-forward CG location than traditional designs. Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade, as a game-changing breakthrough in golf performance is highly spoken of by lots of golfers and it really does a good job on golf course. So, my dear friends, just go to buy one.
Is TaylorMade R11s the most-tunable driver ever
Have you ever used a club that was made by TaylorMade Golf? Today TaylorMade Golf launched r11s driver, the most technologically advanced driver to date. The all-white, USGA maximum 460cc R11S features a 3° Flight Control Technology (FCT) sleeve and an all-new 5-way Adjustable Sole Plate (ASP) which allows the golfer to find their optimum address set-up – a proprietary setting not found in any other driver. Combined with TaylorMade’s Movable Weight Technology (MWT), the new taylormade r11s can be tuned for 80 separate launch settings, making it the most adjustable driver in golf.
Based on the solid foundations of the existing R11 driver, the new TaylorMade R11s 's Adjustable Sole Plate adds another two settings to the club so golfers can now change the face angle of the club to either a neutral, slightly open, open, closed, or slightly closed position. The loft of the club can also be altered by adjusting the sleeve through TaylorMade's Flight Control Technology – what makes the r11s taylormade driver so impressive is that the loft and face angle can be adjusted independently, and now golfers can change the loft up to 1.5° up or 1.5° down. The R11S also features TaylorMade's Movable Weight Technology – golfers can adjust the weights in the heel and toe to help promote either a draw or a fade. "The R11S is a golfer's dream come true; it's the realization of every ounce of innovation, adjustability, and performance we could package in a bigger, more aerodynamic, white clubhead," said Sean Toulon, executive vice president. It's obvious that the TaylorMade R11s Driver's modern-classical clubhead shape is intended to suit the eye of better players, while still providing ample forgiveness and confidence for average players. Golfers who have used the R11S TaylorMade would absolutely agree with the saying that TaylorMade R11s is the most-tunable driver they had ever used.
Based on the solid foundations of the existing R11 driver, the new TaylorMade R11s 's Adjustable Sole Plate adds another two settings to the club so golfers can now change the face angle of the club to either a neutral, slightly open, open, closed, or slightly closed position. The loft of the club can also be altered by adjusting the sleeve through TaylorMade's Flight Control Technology – what makes the r11s taylormade driver so impressive is that the loft and face angle can be adjusted independently, and now golfers can change the loft up to 1.5° up or 1.5° down. The R11S also features TaylorMade's Movable Weight Technology – golfers can adjust the weights in the heel and toe to help promote either a draw or a fade. "The R11S is a golfer's dream come true; it's the realization of every ounce of innovation, adjustability, and performance we could package in a bigger, more aerodynamic, white clubhead," said Sean Toulon, executive vice president. It's obvious that the TaylorMade R11s Driver's modern-classical clubhead shape is intended to suit the eye of better players, while still providing ample forgiveness and confidence for average players. Golfers who have used the R11S TaylorMade would absolutely agree with the saying that TaylorMade R11s is the most-tunable driver they had ever used.
Monday, 12 March 2012
Ping K15 Irons,your style?
As we know,there are some famous golf brands for golfers. Among them,Ping is the most unique one.Many golfers love its style,simple but cool. Especially the Ping K15 Irons do deliver better performance than its predecessors do. It is remarkably solid. It gives a fluid feel that hitting the iron becomes an addiction. If you want to choose a new Iron, this Iron will be the nice choice. Many golfers love them at the first strike. And If you feel not sure about your choice,you can have a research in the internet or ask your friends for the suggestions. In fact,you can also go to the shop and have a try. More informations about the Ping K15 are in the following passage.
It's said that K15 Irons designers have set out to create a super game improvement iron set that gives golfers complete flexibility and excellent performance. The K15 Irons is the result and combines traditional mid/short irons with hybrid mid/long irons. The Ping K15 irons has a head shape that is similar to the Ping Rapture V2 irons, but with some fine tuning. The Ping K15 iron has been designed to give golfers the ultimate in performance and flexibility. The multi-material design of the K15 includes a lightweight titanium face that has allowed 27 grams to be repositioned to the perimeter of the 17-4 stainless steel club head. What's more,by using this weight to widen the sole the K15 promotes a much higher ball flight even on those unfortunate miss hits while also greatly enhancing the moment of inertia (MOI). Confirming completely with the revised R&A groove rules the Ping Irons K15feature a larger clubhead to improve forgiveness and deliver a complete game improvement club. So,just take my suggestion into your consideration. You deserve the best choice.
It's said that K15 Irons designers have set out to create a super game improvement iron set that gives golfers complete flexibility and excellent performance. The K15 Irons is the result and combines traditional mid/short irons with hybrid mid/long irons. The Ping K15 irons has a head shape that is similar to the Ping Rapture V2 irons, but with some fine tuning. The Ping K15 iron has been designed to give golfers the ultimate in performance and flexibility. The multi-material design of the K15 includes a lightweight titanium face that has allowed 27 grams to be repositioned to the perimeter of the 17-4 stainless steel club head. What's more,by using this weight to widen the sole the K15 promotes a much higher ball flight even on those unfortunate miss hits while also greatly enhancing the moment of inertia (MOI). Confirming completely with the revised R&A groove rules the Ping Irons K15feature a larger clubhead to improve forgiveness and deliver a complete game improvement club. So,just take my suggestion into your consideration. You deserve the best choice.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
TaylorMade's pardon RBZ fairways deceit and achievements
TaylorMade’s 2012 new TaylorMade RocketBallZ RBZ Fairway Woods and hybrids don’t just accept an impressively-catchy name – but they are aswell arranged with the latest game-improvement technology.The avant-garde Acceleration Pocket is the ultimate ablution pad. Engineered to badly access brawl acceleration and distance. Matte-white accomplishment and beyond arch are simple to adjust and barrage – acutely a baleful combination.
In the process of introducing an entire line of clubs, TaylorMade will place particular emphasis on fairway woods. The Rocketballz RBZ Fairway Woods have a scooped-out area called a Speed Pocket directly behind the face. This channel is visible when looking at the sole of the fairway woods. RocketBallz fairway woods dupe accept accomplished the United States Golf Association/R&A spring-like absolute for metalwoods (previously accomplished alone by drivers). Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade dupe appear in three models -- standard, Tour and TP. The Matrix Ozik XCON 5 shaft is accepted in the approved and Tour models ($229), and the Matrix Ozik XCON RUL 70 shaft is acclimated in the TP archetypal ($329).
The Taylormade RBZ Fairway Woods will be available in both standard and Tour models. The Tour version has a slightly smaller head, a more open face angle and a fade bias. Similarly, TaylorMade will offer a standard Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade Rescue club and a Tour Rescue.
In the process of introducing an entire line of clubs, TaylorMade will place particular emphasis on fairway woods. The Rocketballz RBZ Fairway Woods have a scooped-out area called a Speed Pocket directly behind the face. This channel is visible when looking at the sole of the fairway woods. RocketBallz fairway woods dupe accept accomplished the United States Golf Association/R&A spring-like absolute for metalwoods (previously accomplished alone by drivers). Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade dupe appear in three models -- standard, Tour and TP. The Matrix Ozik XCON 5 shaft is accepted in the approved and Tour models ($229), and the Matrix Ozik XCON RUL 70 shaft is acclimated in the TP archetypal ($329).
The Taylormade RBZ Fairway Woods will be available in both standard and Tour models. The Tour version has a slightly smaller head, a more open face angle and a fade bias. Similarly, TaylorMade will offer a standard Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade Rescue club and a Tour Rescue.
Friday, 9 March 2012
TaylorMade R11 Irons are great for everyone?
I have been a golfer for some years. I'm a shade under a 9 handicap. Good driving sets up my game for good scoring. Typical solid rounds are a lot of pars and some bogeys, limiting the damage to a double-bogey or two. 1 or 2 birdies a round is my average. From my experience,I love this TaylorMade R11 Irons very much. I'm not a very high-ball hitter and prefer lighter weight shafts, but standard swing weight irons. And I've been playing TaylorMade MCs for the better part of the summer with success. This r11 Irons suits me very much. It's so amazing! I've played it for a long time because I love the feel. I've tried some other kinds of clubs and disliked every one. If you wonder more about it,just follow me.
The r11 taylormade features a dual head design made for both performance and control. The 3-5 irons feature a high repulsion face with hollow cavity structure for increased distance. The 6-Wedge feature a more compact undercut pocket cavity with a focus on feel, control and accuracy. And the r11 taylor made features variable face thickness. Starting with 2.0mm thick face in the long irons to 2.3mm in the mid irons and 2.5mm in the short irons for enhanced feel. As for the forgiveness, Taylormade utilizes its inverted cone technology to expand the sweet area reducing overall loss on off center hits. All in all,they are great for many golf lovers! Now,are you shocked? If this r11 taylor made suits you very much, you'd better not hesitate!
The r11 taylormade features a dual head design made for both performance and control. The 3-5 irons feature a high repulsion face with hollow cavity structure for increased distance. The 6-Wedge feature a more compact undercut pocket cavity with a focus on feel, control and accuracy. And the r11 taylor made features variable face thickness. Starting with 2.0mm thick face in the long irons to 2.3mm in the mid irons and 2.5mm in the short irons for enhanced feel. As for the forgiveness, Taylormade utilizes its inverted cone technology to expand the sweet area reducing overall loss on off center hits. All in all,they are great for many golf lovers! Now,are you shocked? If this r11 taylor made suits you very much, you'd better not hesitate!
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Rocketballz RBZ Fairway Woods are so sweet
As a golfer I usually ask my new friends lots of questions such as: Are you a golf fan? How often do you play golf? How much do you know about golf equipments? Have you ever heard or used the Rocketballz RBZ Fairway Woods club? Don't be confused if this is the first time we start our talking. I am not a pryer who likes to know others' secret. What I really want to do is to find whether we have common interests. If you are a golfer or interested in golf, I would like to share my new perfect golf club---TaylorMade RocketBallZ RBZ Fairway Woods to you.
Before giving the introduction of Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade, I should tell some informations about the TaylorMade Golf Company, which produces today's longest, most innovative high performance fairway woods. TaylorMade is an undisputed industry leader in golf equipment, offering a complete product line with innovative design and technology-based product for golfers of all skill levels. The TaylorMade RocketBallz RBZ fairway wood has been developed specifically to help increase ball speed which in turn will allow you to generate more distance, this can be up to 17 yards! The TaylorMade RBZ Fairway Woods comes with a similar shape and face size to that of the standard Rocketballz fairway, but with a slightly smaller address profile, a more open face angle, and toe weighted centre of gravity. What's more for RocketBallZ?RBZ?Taylormade is that behind the face lies the extraordinary 'Speed pocket' which has been added to dramatically boost the overall head and face flexibility. This promotes an immense increase in distance! The slightly deeper face and a COG that is further forward than traditional fairway woods gives you a more efficient, higher launch angle with less spin for even more distance. All these features makes the Taylormade RBZ Fairway Woods a sweet club and I am very proud to play with it on golf course.
Before giving the introduction of Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade, I should tell some informations about the TaylorMade Golf Company, which produces today's longest, most innovative high performance fairway woods. TaylorMade is an undisputed industry leader in golf equipment, offering a complete product line with innovative design and technology-based product for golfers of all skill levels. The TaylorMade RocketBallz RBZ fairway wood has been developed specifically to help increase ball speed which in turn will allow you to generate more distance, this can be up to 17 yards! The TaylorMade RBZ Fairway Woods comes with a similar shape and face size to that of the standard Rocketballz fairway, but with a slightly smaller address profile, a more open face angle, and toe weighted centre of gravity. What's more for RocketBallZ?RBZ?Taylormade is that behind the face lies the extraordinary 'Speed pocket' which has been added to dramatically boost the overall head and face flexibility. This promotes an immense increase in distance! The slightly deeper face and a COG that is further forward than traditional fairway woods gives you a more efficient, higher launch angle with less spin for even more distance. All these features makes the Taylormade RBZ Fairway Woods a sweet club and I am very proud to play with it on golf course.
Make the best with Ping K15 Irons
For many golf lovers, they do care about their performance on the course. It's a matter of success. Obviously, they need a good equipment to help them making the best performance. Here, I'd like to recommend this Ping K15 Irons to you. It's really great. Even you are under the bad situation, you can also make the best. Ping K15 is very amazing. And that's why many golfer choose it without hesitation. You may wonder why I say that. Ok, let me tell you why in the following passage.
Ping's designers have set out to create a super game improvement iron set that gives golfers complete flexibility and excellent performance. The K15 Irons is the result and combines traditional mid/short irons with hybrid mid/long irons. The Ping K15 irons has a head shape that is similar to the Ping Rapture V2 irons, but with some fine tuning. What's more,it has been designed to give golfers the ultimate in performance and flexibility. The multi-material design of the Ping Irons K15 includes a lightweight titanium face that has allowed 27 grams to be repositioned to the perimeter of the 17-4 stainless steel club head. And many golf lover are very satisfied with these features. You can buy some for a try.
Ping's designers have set out to create a super game improvement iron set that gives golfers complete flexibility and excellent performance. The K15 Irons is the result and combines traditional mid/short irons with hybrid mid/long irons. The Ping K15 irons has a head shape that is similar to the Ping Rapture V2 irons, but with some fine tuning. What's more,it has been designed to give golfers the ultimate in performance and flexibility. The multi-material design of the Ping Irons K15 includes a lightweight titanium face that has allowed 27 grams to be repositioned to the perimeter of the 17-4 stainless steel club head. And many golf lover are very satisfied with these features. You can buy some for a try.
Monday, 5 March 2012
Rocketballz RBZ Irons are what I want
In order to have an ideal golf club, I have spent several weeks on searching it. Just last weekend, I bought a club branded by Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Irons. Having used it for sevsral times, I found it is just what I am looking for. It is really a progressive and dynamic set that engineered to deliver effortless distance and a higher and straighter ball flight. Now, my dear friends, if you dare to ask me out to play gilf with you, you will find how fantastic it is.
Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade is being highly spoken of by lots of golf players who had bought or used. I must believe that the combination of distance and accuracy makes the new Rocketballz RBZ Irons a game-changer and positions to be one of the greatest iron sets in company history. "Without a doubt, the new TaylorMade RBZ Irons will be an improvement over any other iron in a golfer's bag," said Sean Toulon, executive vice president of TaylorMade Golf. "From a technology standpoint, we have done the unthinkable. We brought in metalwood engineers to help create irons with faces that behave like drivers, sending the ball easily high and far almost as if it was bounced off a trampoline. These technological advancements will be visible to the golfer upon first contact with a ball." Just as what Sean Toulon say, Rocketballz RBZ Irons is really a kind of golf club that should gain every golf fans' attraction. Dear friends, what kind of golf club do you use, can it deliver effortless distance and a higher and straighter ball flight? If you are not satisfied with your club, how about have a try on Taylormade RBZ Irons?
Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade is being highly spoken of by lots of golf players who had bought or used. I must believe that the combination of distance and accuracy makes the new Rocketballz RBZ Irons a game-changer and positions to be one of the greatest iron sets in company history. "Without a doubt, the new TaylorMade RBZ Irons will be an improvement over any other iron in a golfer's bag," said Sean Toulon, executive vice president of TaylorMade Golf. "From a technology standpoint, we have done the unthinkable. We brought in metalwood engineers to help create irons with faces that behave like drivers, sending the ball easily high and far almost as if it was bounced off a trampoline. These technological advancements will be visible to the golfer upon first contact with a ball." Just as what Sean Toulon say, Rocketballz RBZ Irons is really a kind of golf club that should gain every golf fans' attraction. Dear friends, what kind of golf club do you use, can it deliver effortless distance and a higher and straighter ball flight? If you are not satisfied with your club, how about have a try on Taylormade RBZ Irons?
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Taylormade RBZ driver,enjoy your happy weekends
When warm spring is coming,you may wonder how to spend the weekends. Why not go to the golf course with your friends in the weekends? Do sports and enjoy the sunshine and the beauty of the nature. What a happy thing! But first,you should choose some nice clubs,right? Now I am very happy to recommend my favourite Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Driver to you! You may also have a quite knowledge about Taylormade. Yeah,it's a famous brand and very popular in teens. Then you may not know RBZ Driver very much. So in the following passage,I will share the details with you.
The Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ , like all new TaylorMade drivers, have a white crown color and black PVD face. You may wonder why it's so designed. As we can see,it's for beautiful looking. And this design is to provide optimum contrast against the ground to allow for easy alignment and aim. You will especially notice this in lower light, such as when the tee box is in shade or shadow, on overcast days or when the sun is low in the morning and in the evening. As for the important technology,the RBZ driver's high-MOI titanium head also features TaylorMade's Inverted Cone Technology (ICT) milled directly into the back of a clubface. This technology dramatically enlarges the portion of the face that delivers high COR and fast ball speed, significantly improving performance on mis-hits. So even you make the off-centre hits,you also will get a good performance. Aren't these features amazing? So don't hesitate. Timing is now! Just click your mouse and pick your favourite Taylormade RBZ driver for yourself.
The Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ , like all new TaylorMade drivers, have a white crown color and black PVD face. You may wonder why it's so designed. As we can see,it's for beautiful looking. And this design is to provide optimum contrast against the ground to allow for easy alignment and aim. You will especially notice this in lower light, such as when the tee box is in shade or shadow, on overcast days or when the sun is low in the morning and in the evening. As for the important technology,the RBZ driver's high-MOI titanium head also features TaylorMade's Inverted Cone Technology (ICT) milled directly into the back of a clubface. This technology dramatically enlarges the portion of the face that delivers high COR and fast ball speed, significantly improving performance on mis-hits. So even you make the off-centre hits,you also will get a good performance. Aren't these features amazing? So don't hesitate. Timing is now! Just click your mouse and pick your favourite Taylormade RBZ driver for yourself.
Friday, 2 March 2012
No G20 Irons no golf games
Hey guys, what kind of equipments do you have? As a golf fan I usually hear people arround talking about golf equipments. Whenever I am coming to playing golf I would like to look arround to see what kind of equipments they have. Having been asked several times about my golf equipments, now I would like to talk about it---Ping G20 Irons---my favourite golf equipment.
The first and most important point I would say is ping g20 are designed to hit the ball long with forgiveness and distance control. Ping have added extreme perimeter weighting in the deep, multi-cavity back of the irons which makes the 17-4 stainless steel heads highly forgiving. Secondly, ping irons g20 offer excellent distance control as the thin face is backed by a floating Custom Tuning Port which means golfers can be confident that each iron is going to deliver a consistent distance.What's more, ping g20 have been designed to look similar to the previous G15 and G10 irons which have proved to be hugely successful across the world, but the G20 product also feels great too. A soft elastomer heel and toe section of the head certainly enhances feel and playability. The last but not least is consistent yardage gapping is a key benefit of the G20 set, which includes high-launching long irons that maximize the overall range and predictability of a player's set. So, my dear friends, the next time you are going to play golf please take g20 irons with you, for that no G20 Irons no golf games.
The first and most important point I would say is ping g20 are designed to hit the ball long with forgiveness and distance control. Ping have added extreme perimeter weighting in the deep, multi-cavity back of the irons which makes the 17-4 stainless steel heads highly forgiving. Secondly, ping irons g20 offer excellent distance control as the thin face is backed by a floating Custom Tuning Port which means golfers can be confident that each iron is going to deliver a consistent distance.What's more, ping g20 have been designed to look similar to the previous G15 and G10 irons which have proved to be hugely successful across the world, but the G20 product also feels great too. A soft elastomer heel and toe section of the head certainly enhances feel and playability. The last but not least is consistent yardage gapping is a key benefit of the G20 set, which includes high-launching long irons that maximize the overall range and predictability of a player's set. So, my dear friends, the next time you are going to play golf please take g20 irons with you, for that no G20 Irons no golf games.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Newest RBZ Fairway Woods really deserve your try
TaylorMade golf company, a famous golf manufacturer favored by many golf player, today is unveiling the longest, most innovative high performance fairway woods and Rescues they've ever created with the introduction of RocketBallz. The new RocketBallz metalwoods are years in the making, a byproduct of extensive research and development to find breakthrough performance in fairway woods and Rescues, most specifically increased ball speed. And here I want to say that I have just tried the TaylorMade RocketBallZ RBZ Fairway Woods. I know them all. As what the Taylormade describe, they are packed with the latest game-improvement technology. I can see my game dramitically improved after several times of use.
To begin with, in terms of looks, the Rocketballz RBZ Fairway Woods have a larger, deeper face and look more appealing to hit at address because of the bigger footprint. I love this face, and looks cute. In addition, the Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade are deigned to be ridiculously long. Better players with faster swing speeds especially will see massive distance gains. The white head provides confidence and accuracy at address with amazing alignment support. Ball speed is off the charts due to the Speed Pocket, while specific CG design and placement combine to provide serious distance. Lastly, the Taylormade RBZ Fairway Woods deliver an incredible 17 yards more distance than other TaylorMade models. This is achieved with the help of the speed-boosting Speed Pocket recess in the sole and the forward CG placement, which reduces spin and creates higher launches. The lightweight Matrix XCON 5 shaft and TM 360 grip let you make faster swings for even more yardage. From what I said above and my own experience, I want to tell you they really deserve your try!
To begin with, in terms of looks, the Rocketballz RBZ Fairway Woods have a larger, deeper face and look more appealing to hit at address because of the bigger footprint. I love this face, and looks cute. In addition, the Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade are deigned to be ridiculously long. Better players with faster swing speeds especially will see massive distance gains. The white head provides confidence and accuracy at address with amazing alignment support. Ball speed is off the charts due to the Speed Pocket, while specific CG design and placement combine to provide serious distance. Lastly, the Taylormade RBZ Fairway Woods deliver an incredible 17 yards more distance than other TaylorMade models. This is achieved with the help of the speed-boosting Speed Pocket recess in the sole and the forward CG placement, which reduces spin and creates higher launches. The lightweight Matrix XCON 5 shaft and TM 360 grip let you make faster swings for even more yardage. From what I said above and my own experience, I want to tell you they really deserve your try!
Taylormade RBZ Irons is so wonderful
Early in the end of 2011, Taylor made golf company announced that they would introduce a completely new line for 2012, that's the RocketBallz series. Today, I am going to talka bout the Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Irons. First and foremost, let's take a peek at the TaylorMade RocketBallz Irons. This iron is the newest iron on the market. Received the irons,they are looks nice like the above pictures.I ordered two sets, one is for me,another is for my brother.both of us feel happy to buy the new Rocketballz RBZ Irons at such cheap price. After we used it, we love the feeling about this iron. Therefore, I decide to recommend it to all of you.
When it comes to the name, it is for sure that many golfers will think of that they can gain a lot of speed and distance with the Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade. Every RBZ iron head, from the 3- to the lob wedge, is uniquely constructed and features a progressive length and spec package, which has been carefully coordinated to ensure proper trajectory and distance gaps throughout the set. The 3-5 irons have a metal wood construction because the new, hollow clubhead construction akin to that of the company's industry leading line of metalwoods. Futhermore, the clubhead designs lower the center of gravity and boost launch angle, which the company takes advantage of by strengthening (lowering) lofts. That means a more penetrating ball flight and improved distance. In a word, I love the Taylormade RBZ Irons very much.
When it comes to the name, it is for sure that many golfers will think of that they can gain a lot of speed and distance with the Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade. Every RBZ iron head, from the 3- to the lob wedge, is uniquely constructed and features a progressive length and spec package, which has been carefully coordinated to ensure proper trajectory and distance gaps throughout the set. The 3-5 irons have a metal wood construction because the new, hollow clubhead construction akin to that of the company's industry leading line of metalwoods. Futhermore, the clubhead designs lower the center of gravity and boost launch angle, which the company takes advantage of by strengthening (lowering) lofts. That means a more penetrating ball flight and improved distance. In a word, I love the Taylormade RBZ Irons very much.
Monday, 27 February 2012
You should be whith ping irons k15
Ping golf clubs always have a good reputation for their good performance on the golf market. So many Ping clubs are become quite popular. Recently, I want to change my irons, I find thePing K15 Irons are most famous among all the ping clubs, then I want to ensure whether the K15 irons are as good as Ping said, I am a 10 handicapper, I need good and real game improvement irons to improve my golf. Now that the ping k15 enjoy a so high reputation, I decided to have a try them. I hope these irons live up to my expectation.
The distance that the k15 irons offer me is about 20 yards longer than my previous irons. I also find the Ping K15 6 iron is very easy to hit, I can hit it very well with the accurate shot. I also have played with many irons, I love feel of the K15 irons best, the solid feel and the sweet sound make me feel quite confidence on the golf course. After several rounds, I also find my golf become better, it make me very excited. The clubface of ping irons k15 are also larger than other ping irons, then it also can provide more forgiveness. The every ping irons k15 also comes with the advanced technology to promote high flying, accurate shots and best forgiveness. All in all, the K15 irons deserved the high reputation, if you also have played with them, you may agree with this saying.
The distance that the k15 irons offer me is about 20 yards longer than my previous irons. I also find the Ping K15 6 iron is very easy to hit, I can hit it very well with the accurate shot. I also have played with many irons, I love feel of the K15 irons best, the solid feel and the sweet sound make me feel quite confidence on the golf course. After several rounds, I also find my golf become better, it make me very excited. The clubface of ping irons k15 are also larger than other ping irons, then it also can provide more forgiveness. The every ping irons k15 also comes with the advanced technology to promote high flying, accurate shots and best forgiveness. All in all, the K15 irons deserved the high reputation, if you also have played with them, you may agree with this saying.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Newest R11s Driver give you the most
Nowadays, with the fevelopment of our economy, our life is becoming more and more wealthy. As a result, we are paying much attention to our health. Taking exersise is always our best choice to keep good health. Recent years, there are more and more people prefering to playing golf as their leisure activities. And for golf player, a good driver is essential to the game performance. This time, I want to introduce the newest driver from a famous golf company- Taylormade, to you. That is TaylorMade R11s Driver. Like the original R11 Driver, the r11s driver combines a flat-white crown colour with a black PVD face to improve accuracy and alignment off the tee. The white crown makes the R11S appear 2% larger, which increases confidence at address. The modern-classical clubhead shape is designed for better players, whilst still offering forgiveness and confidence to average players. It is a slightly more triangular shaped head than traditional drivers providing a higher MOI and a centre of gravity that is farther-back and deeper in the club.
Secondly, the taylormade r11s includes two Movable Weight Technology cartridges weighing 10g and 1g. They can be interchanged to create a draw bias or neutral ball flight. Changing the weights alters the centre of gravity by 4mm from heel to toe promoting up to 20 yards of side-to-side bias. At the same time, the r11s taylormade driver is further enchanced by TaylorMade's Inverted Cone Technology that expands the COR zone, or the portion of the club that delivers faster ball speeds. The R11S measures 45.75" and comes equipped with an Aldila RIP Phenom 60g shaft. From the above, it is safe to say that the newest R11s Driver can give you the most.
Secondly, the taylormade r11s includes two Movable Weight Technology cartridges weighing 10g and 1g. They can be interchanged to create a draw bias or neutral ball flight. Changing the weights alters the centre of gravity by 4mm from heel to toe promoting up to 20 yards of side-to-side bias. At the same time, the r11s taylormade driver is further enchanced by TaylorMade's Inverted Cone Technology that expands the COR zone, or the portion of the club that delivers faster ball speeds. The R11S measures 45.75" and comes equipped with an Aldila RIP Phenom 60g shaft. From the above, it is safe to say that the newest R11s Driver can give you the most.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Top Driver on the Market: burner 2.0 Driver
For every golfer, we do not need the best golf club, but we need the suitable golf club. Here I would like to recommend a driver which is suit for everyone to all golfers. And it is the [b][url=http://www.onlinegolfforsale.com/TaylorMade-Burner-SuperFast-20-Driver-16474.html]TaylorMade Burner SuperFast 2.0 Driver[/url][/b]. The driver is the lightest driver Taylormade has produced to promote faster swing speed and more distance. The ultra-large 4,550 square millimetres face and low-drag aerodynamics are designed to increase swing speed, a higher launch angle and lower spin-rate, equaling a dramatic boost in distance. The [b][url=http://www.onlinegolfforsale.com/TaylorMade-Burner-SuperFast-20-Driver-16474.html]2.0 driver[/url][/b] has a special design.
The two best distance-producing technologies in years are combined in this high-MOI driver, helping to make 2.0 driver five yards longer than the original Burner SuperFast. The [b][url=http://www.onlinegolfforsale.com/TaylorMade-Burner-SuperFast-20-Driver-16474.html]taylormade burner 2.0[/url][/b] is newly shaped to deliver the benefit of Dual Crown Technology — designed to create a lower Centre of Gravity to promote a higher launch angle and lower spin-rate, the launch conditions that promote greater distance — but with a more conventional head shape. [b][url=http://www.onlinegolfforsale.com/TaylorMade-Burner-SuperFast-20-Driver-16474.html]burner 2.0 Driver[/url][/b] is amazing. I hit the ball longer and straighter then any driver I have ever owned. I wish the rest of my clubs performed like this. I would be a single digit handicapp golfer. I love the driver too much.
The two best distance-producing technologies in years are combined in this high-MOI driver, helping to make 2.0 driver five yards longer than the original Burner SuperFast. The [b][url=http://www.onlinegolfforsale.com/TaylorMade-Burner-SuperFast-20-Driver-16474.html]taylormade burner 2.0[/url][/b] is newly shaped to deliver the benefit of Dual Crown Technology — designed to create a lower Centre of Gravity to promote a higher launch angle and lower spin-rate, the launch conditions that promote greater distance — but with a more conventional head shape. [b][url=http://www.onlinegolfforsale.com/TaylorMade-Burner-SuperFast-20-Driver-16474.html]burner 2.0 Driver[/url][/b] is amazing. I hit the ball longer and straighter then any driver I have ever owned. I wish the rest of my clubs performed like this. I would be a single digit handicapp golfer. I love the driver too much.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
TaylorMade R11s is your dream driver
TaylorMade R11s Driver is important for each golf brand to update its golf clubs. As is known to all, Taylormade is very hot in golf clubs nowadays, the price is reasonable for we golf player. With celebrating the new year of 2012, Taylormade has released the TaylorMade R11s on the market. I insist that this driver will meet all your requirement. This club is just your are always looking for and just comes to be your dream driver! Now let me tell you at length! It is said that the r11s driver is TaylorMade's most technologically advanced driver to date, showcasing the latest innovation, adjustability and performance.
In the first place, like the original R11 Driver, the taylormade r11s combines a flat-white crown colour with a black PVD face to improve accuracy and alignment off the tee. The white crown makes it appear 2% larger, which increases confidence at address. The modern-classical clubhead shape is designed for better players, while still offering forgiveness and confidence to average players. This club is a slightly more triangular shaped head than traditional drivers providing a higher MOI and a centre of gravity that is farther-back and deeper in the club. Besides, the r11s taylormade driver includes two Movable Weight Technology cartridges weighing 10g and 1g. They can be interchanged to create a draw bias or neutral ball flight. Changing the weights alters the centre of gravity by 4mm from heel to toe promoting up to 20 yards of side-to-side bias. I think that no matter what I say is not enough, but as you try it, you can know best!
In the first place, like the original R11 Driver, the taylormade r11s combines a flat-white crown colour with a black PVD face to improve accuracy and alignment off the tee. The white crown makes it appear 2% larger, which increases confidence at address. The modern-classical clubhead shape is designed for better players, while still offering forgiveness and confidence to average players. This club is a slightly more triangular shaped head than traditional drivers providing a higher MOI and a centre of gravity that is farther-back and deeper in the club. Besides, the r11s taylormade driver includes two Movable Weight Technology cartridges weighing 10g and 1g. They can be interchanged to create a draw bias or neutral ball flight. Changing the weights alters the centre of gravity by 4mm from heel to toe promoting up to 20 yards of side-to-side bias. I think that no matter what I say is not enough, but as you try it, you can know best!
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
r 11 driver is TaylorMade's massive success
Spring is coming. So we can do some activites in the outdoors. In the world, golf becomes more and more popular among people. There are many people prefer to play golf. We all know that the golf club is the most important part for golfers. If we want to play good golf, we should have a good set of golf clubs. Here, I will recommed a good driver to all golfers. It is the TaylorMade R11 Driver . Although it has been produced for some times, I still think that it is the best driver on the market. Besides, I also think that ther 11 driver massive success. It has attracted most of golfers' attention.
In the folllowing, I will tell you the detail of the taylormade r11 . The only difference with the driver and any other golf club is the set up position in relation to your distance from the ball because of the length of the golf club. What's more, r11 taylormade driver promotes up to 100 yards of side-to-side trajectory change and 1,000 RPM backspin change, giving you consistent power and distance. The white non-glare crown and black clubface (which provides easy alignment) will improve your game and that sleek white finish will make you the center of attention on the course and in the clubhouse. In a word, the driver is your best choice. It's very nice, wonderful! I like it so much!
In the folllowing, I will tell you the detail of the taylormade r11 . The only difference with the driver and any other golf club is the set up position in relation to your distance from the ball because of the length of the golf club. What's more, r11 taylormade driver promotes up to 100 yards of side-to-side trajectory change and 1,000 RPM backspin change, giving you consistent power and distance. The white non-glare crown and black clubface (which provides easy alignment) will improve your game and that sleek white finish will make you the center of attention on the course and in the clubhouse. In a word, the driver is your best choice. It's very nice, wonderful! I like it so much!
Monday, 20 February 2012
I am glad to know the Rocketballz RBZ Irons
Taylormade irons are one of the best-selling range of irons in the world. It has released many golf clubs for golfers. I am a huge TaylorMade golf fan, recently I was glad to know Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Irons. It is the latest news for every golf player, because TaylorMade released the new line of Rocktballz for 2012. I think the name of Rocketballz is unique. Here I would like to share the information of Rocketballz RBZ Irons with you. The RBZ stands for RocketBallz. It is made for the mid to high-handicap golfers who want more distance and forgiveness so that they can hit it farther and still have a good control on the ball flight.
Without a doubt, the new RocketBallz iron will be an improvement over any other iron in a golfer's bag. Key to the distance performance of Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade is a large, thin clubface that’s strong and stiff at the perimeter and thin at the inner edge, allowing the face to flex freely like a trampoline. Also, every Taylormade RBZ Irons is engineered with an added cavity chamber in the heel at the point of the hosel-to-face transition that makes the heads easier to bend, allowing us to offer RocketBallz in 4 degrees upright, 4 degrees flat, and plus-or-minus 2 degrees in loft. In total, the design of the iron is a great for golfers. So you should try this.
Without a doubt, the new RocketBallz iron will be an improvement over any other iron in a golfer's bag. Key to the distance performance of Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade is a large, thin clubface that’s strong and stiff at the perimeter and thin at the inner edge, allowing the face to flex freely like a trampoline. Also, every Taylormade RBZ Irons is engineered with an added cavity chamber in the heel at the point of the hosel-to-face transition that makes the heads easier to bend, allowing us to offer RocketBallz in 4 degrees upright, 4 degrees flat, and plus-or-minus 2 degrees in loft. In total, the design of the iron is a great for golfers. So you should try this.
Share my new partner-- diablo edge to you
I am always fond of sharing good things with my reader because I want the good things can be used popularly. Recently, I bought the Callaway Diablo Edge Irons. They are my new partner and the best. I do play 2-3 times per week. I take a weekly lesson with a PGA pro, and I go to the range to practice 1-2 per week. That being said, I'm brand new to the game at 43yo, and I started playing July of 2010 (Midwest has a short season, so "a year and a half", these diablo edge are my second iron set. They do EXACTLY what they say they are gonna do: improve your game.
The edge irons are very easy to hit from all lies, and they get real 'heavy' at the bottom of the swing to give you great impact and distance. If you actually hit down and compress the ball with these clubs, you'll get extreme distance, and you can also start to shape shots! I know! fade/slice on command?? draw it on command? Yes, these clubs will allow you to do that, but for sure you'll hit the ball high and straight. Easy to get up in the air. Yes, you can chunk it or top it too, but that's you my friend, not the clubs. The Uniflex shaft of diablo irons
seems to be the right flex for me. I'm still learning, so I'm not sure, but my old (first) Taylor Made set were "Regular" shaft and they seemed to lag behind my swing a lot robbing me of distance...Callaway's "Uniflex" is somewhere between Regular and Stiff, they claim, and it seems to be okay for me. If I continue on this improvement path, the next improvement to these clubs would be Stiff. They have been great for me. By the way, I went from a 39+ HC index to a 25 HC index in a year. I work hard, but these clubs have definitely help, no doubt. Worth the investment.
The edge irons are very easy to hit from all lies, and they get real 'heavy' at the bottom of the swing to give you great impact and distance. If you actually hit down and compress the ball with these clubs, you'll get extreme distance, and you can also start to shape shots! I know! fade/slice on command?? draw it on command? Yes, these clubs will allow you to do that, but for sure you'll hit the ball high and straight. Easy to get up in the air. Yes, you can chunk it or top it too, but that's you my friend, not the clubs. The Uniflex shaft of diablo irons
seems to be the right flex for me. I'm still learning, so I'm not sure, but my old (first) Taylor Made set were "Regular" shaft and they seemed to lag behind my swing a lot robbing me of distance...Callaway's "Uniflex" is somewhere between Regular and Stiff, they claim, and it seems to be okay for me. If I continue on this improvement path, the next improvement to these clubs would be Stiff. They have been great for me. By the way, I went from a 39+ HC index to a 25 HC index in a year. I work hard, but these clubs have definitely help, no doubt. Worth the investment.
Special R11 Irons give you special feeling
TaylorMade is the most popular golf company in the world. There are many fans of it. I am one of them. I have palyed golf for many year. Here, I will share the best golf iron with you--TaylorMade R11 Irons. Now, I still think that the iron is the best one on the market. So i decided to recommend it to all of you. The one-piece stainless steel cast heads boast a thin, lightweight face design like the Burner 2.0. The weight removed from the clubface has been shifted low and back to create a higher launch angle, faster ball speed, increased distance and more forgiveness. The result is comparable launch, ball flight and length to the Burner 2.0, as well as 15-yard distance gaps between clubs. Like ther11 Irons?
Do you want to know more things about ther11 taylormade? Here, I am going to tell you some. Irons have a shallow undercut channel between the face and rear to control feel and CG location, the mid-irons have a moderate undercut, and the long irons have a progressively larger undercut that pulls weight farther back from the face for added forgiveness. r11 taylor made feels and sounds more muted (quieter) than the loud-ish Burner 2.0 Irons because the r11 taylor madeclubface is slightly thicker in the impact zone and where it connects to the sole. These are the most amazing clubs I've ever hit. I've hit shots off the toe, got good feedback. I am an average golfer and I believe these clubs will definitely improve my game.
Do you want to know more things about ther11 taylormade? Here, I am going to tell you some. Irons have a shallow undercut channel between the face and rear to control feel and CG location, the mid-irons have a moderate undercut, and the long irons have a progressively larger undercut that pulls weight farther back from the face for added forgiveness. r11 taylor made feels and sounds more muted (quieter) than the loud-ish Burner 2.0 Irons because the r11 taylor madeclubface is slightly thicker in the impact zone and where it connects to the sole. These are the most amazing clubs I've ever hit. I've hit shots off the toe, got good feedback. I am an average golfer and I believe these clubs will definitely improve my game.
Friday, 17 February 2012
g20 irons can control your distance easily
Now, there are many people prefer to make golf be their career. And some of them are very popular among people in the world. They just like the superstar. And they have many fans. What's more, there is a research shows that there are more and more people play golf when they have extra time, especally for the weekend time. Here, I suggest that you should try the Ping G20 Irons . Because I think that the iron is the best one. When you used it, you will feel more easily. The iron can control distance easily. Ping golf release the latest g20 line in June of 2011. Whe it is released, I bought it, however, I keep it in my bag now. And, after I used ping g20 , my game was improved too much. This is the reason why I want to recommend it to all of you.
The g20 irons maintain the Ping 'G' look , on the other hand they have changed the weighting in the head and modified the feel. It is with 17-4 Stainless Steel that make of soft elastomer improves feel and sound while enhancing distance control, allowing you to play your best golf. Consistent, precise distance control was achieved by using a thin face backed by a floating CTP structure. Weight in the back flange of the deeply cut, multi-cavity head increases the MOI. Through the ping irons g20 are with impressive forgiveness remains, with a better all-round performance. Ping has opted for a lighter finish than in the Ping K15 and the head itself is slightly more compact to look down on. There is still plenty of confidence-inspiring forgiveness on show. In a word, love it.
The g20 irons maintain the Ping 'G' look , on the other hand they have changed the weighting in the head and modified the feel. It is with 17-4 Stainless Steel that make of soft elastomer improves feel and sound while enhancing distance control, allowing you to play your best golf. Consistent, precise distance control was achieved by using a thin face backed by a floating CTP structure. Weight in the back flange of the deeply cut, multi-cavity head increases the MOI. Through the ping irons g20 are with impressive forgiveness remains, with a better all-round performance. Ping has opted for a lighter finish than in the Ping K15 and the head itself is slightly more compact to look down on. There is still plenty of confidence-inspiring forgiveness on show. In a word, love it.
A must-have: Rocketballz RBZ driver
As known to all, Taylormade always have a good reputation for their fantastic golf equioments. For me, I have been a Taylormade fan for a long time. I pay much attention to their products and know much better. What impresses me most is their newest driver-Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Driver. In my eyes, it is one of the most wonderful driver that Taylormade has ever released. I insist that, as golfers, any one of us should own it! It is absolutely a must-have. The Rocketballz RBZ driver will offer whatever you want: distance, accuracy, improvement and so on. And you may doubt that is it really so outstanding? In the following, you may make sure your answer.
The first thing I want to tell you is that what is the key to Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade's performance. The answer is the incorporation of TaylorMade's patented Flight Control Technology (FCT) which is packaged into a modern, aerodynamically shaped clubhead outfitted with a lightweight, 50-gram shaft. With FCT, the golfer can easily adjust the performance angles (face angle, loft and lie) of the RBZ driver to one of 8 settings via the FCT sleeve. These settings allow a range of launch conditions that promote up to 60 yards of side-to-side trajectory adjustment. Besides, Taylormade RBZ Driver's combination of lightweight shaft and lightweight grip results in overall club weight of less than 300 grams. Re-balancing the club with a slightly higher swingweight, promotes more swing speed for most golfers. TaylorMade redesigned the shaft and mass-properties of the head mass properties to create a draw-bias and without sacrificing feel and playability. The length is 46 inches, which promotes an optimum combination of clubhead speed and control. You can go to the golfwholesaleuk.com to get more information and make sure what I have said. All in all, it is a must-have.
The first thing I want to tell you is that what is the key to Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade's performance. The answer is the incorporation of TaylorMade's patented Flight Control Technology (FCT) which is packaged into a modern, aerodynamically shaped clubhead outfitted with a lightweight, 50-gram shaft. With FCT, the golfer can easily adjust the performance angles (face angle, loft and lie) of the RBZ driver to one of 8 settings via the FCT sleeve. These settings allow a range of launch conditions that promote up to 60 yards of side-to-side trajectory adjustment. Besides, Taylormade RBZ Driver's combination of lightweight shaft and lightweight grip results in overall club weight of less than 300 grams. Re-balancing the club with a slightly higher swingweight, promotes more swing speed for most golfers. TaylorMade redesigned the shaft and mass-properties of the head mass properties to create a draw-bias and without sacrificing feel and playability. The length is 46 inches, which promotes an optimum combination of clubhead speed and control. You can go to the golfwholesaleuk.com to get more information and make sure what I have said. All in all, it is a must-have.
2.0 driver is a very useful golf club
When the TaylorMade Burner SuperFast 2.0 Driver was released, TaylorMade hoped the 460cc driver would appeal to players who craved distance and power off the tee. Does this driver work as it is ecxpected? Let's read more. The 2.0 driver also holds the title of having the largest face of any TaylorMade driver ever made. The exceptionally deep face spans a whopping 4,550 m㎡. The entire clubhead employs Ultra-Thin Wall construction which, along with a triangular head shape which allows for improvements in weight distribution and results in a more forgiving clubhead. This shows that the driver has special design.
Even though the goal of Taylormade was to improve the distance a golfer could get when they do not strike the center of the club face, they also improved the distance for center shots as well. This taylormade burner 2.0 is built with less weighting in the head as well allowing it to be swung at higher speeds and this creates more distance also. The SuperFast’s claim to fame is an extremely light total weight and longer shaft to produce faster ball speeds with reduced spin. The club did feel very light and it took a while to get used to the longer shaft, but once you did the distance was very impressive. If you need a faster swing speed and forgiveness for your drive, come with the burner 2.0 Driver.
Even though the goal of Taylormade was to improve the distance a golfer could get when they do not strike the center of the club face, they also improved the distance for center shots as well. This taylormade burner 2.0 is built with less weighting in the head as well allowing it to be swung at higher speeds and this creates more distance also. The SuperFast’s claim to fame is an extremely light total weight and longer shaft to produce faster ball speeds with reduced spin. The club did feel very light and it took a while to get used to the longer shaft, but once you did the distance was very impressive. If you need a faster swing speed and forgiveness for your drive, come with the burner 2.0 Driver.
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
r11 taylormade driver, interested in? Get it!
TaylorMade is a leading golf manufacturer which offers clubs aimed at accomplished players as well as game improvement clubs. It is popular with professionals and recreational golfers alike. Lately, the TaylorMade released a new driver--TaylorMade R11 Driver. The TaylorMade R11 Driver r is the next revolution in golf club adjustability, combining Adjustable Sole Plate (ASP) Technology, Flight Control Technology (FCT) and Moveable Weight Technology (MWT). For these technologies, it is better than other driver on the market. Although there are many irons on the market, most of golfers prefer to use the r 11 driver . I am one of them. I like the feeling of using the driver.
taylormade r11 , interested in? You can get it now. After you use it, it will give you a suprise. With Flight Control Technology (FCT) to adjust the loft; with the new Adjustable Sole Plate (ASP) to adjust the face angle; with Movable Weight Technology (MWT) to adjust the CG location. Besides, it has more advantages: they use the new aerodynamic shape to promote faster speed for more distance., white non-glare crown and black clubface for easy alignment at address. So the taylormade r11 has a advanced design. I have used it for many times. I love the feel of the burner and have not found anything I liked better till now with the R11. In a world, I love the r11 taylormade driver mostly. Good choice for everyone.
taylormade r11 , interested in? You can get it now. After you use it, it will give you a suprise. With Flight Control Technology (FCT) to adjust the loft; with the new Adjustable Sole Plate (ASP) to adjust the face angle; with Movable Weight Technology (MWT) to adjust the CG location. Besides, it has more advantages: they use the new aerodynamic shape to promote faster speed for more distance., white non-glare crown and black clubface for easy alignment at address. So the taylormade r11 has a advanced design. I have used it for many times. I love the feel of the burner and have not found anything I liked better till now with the R11. In a world, I love the r11 taylormade driver mostly. Good choice for everyone.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
G20 Irons deserve the popularity
Nowadays, there is a sport becoming more and more popular, that is golf! More and more people prefer to playing golf at their spare time. Why? Just because playing golf can not only bring us fun but also make us more healthy. It is a win-win choice. As a result, for us golfers, owning a good set of irons is necessary. What is your favoriate brand? As for me, Ping is always my best choice. And the Ping G20 Irons are one of the most popular irons on the market. I am using them, too. Before I tried them, I can't understand why there are so many people choosing the ping g20. However now, I get it. All features are designed to give you super feeling.
On the one hand, the g20 irons are engineered for extreme forgiveness and predictable distance control. The cavity's floating CTP structure stabilizes the face and the aluminum badge with elastomer heel and toe sections produces a solid feel and sound. The CTP reinforces a 10% thinner face and controls distances while saving weight, which was added to the back flange of the deeply cut, multi-cavity head to increase the moment of inertia. Combined with the new CFS steel shaft (control, feel and stability), the G20 optimizes feel and trajectories. Consistent yardage gapping is a key benefit of the G20 set, which includes high-launching long irons that maximize the overall range and predictability of a player's set. On the other hand, compared with the g15, the ping irons g20 have a wider sole than its predecessor, particularly in the toe area, which increases the moment of inertia and forgiveness of the iron. At address the clubhead sits very well behind the ball, although in some of the longer irons you can see the back of the cavity, which may not appeal to all. Now, do't you think the g20 irons deserve the popularity? When you use it , you will make sure your answer.
On the one hand, the g20 irons are engineered for extreme forgiveness and predictable distance control. The cavity's floating CTP structure stabilizes the face and the aluminum badge with elastomer heel and toe sections produces a solid feel and sound. The CTP reinforces a 10% thinner face and controls distances while saving weight, which was added to the back flange of the deeply cut, multi-cavity head to increase the moment of inertia. Combined with the new CFS steel shaft (control, feel and stability), the G20 optimizes feel and trajectories. Consistent yardage gapping is a key benefit of the G20 set, which includes high-launching long irons that maximize the overall range and predictability of a player's set. On the other hand, compared with the g15, the ping irons g20 have a wider sole than its predecessor, particularly in the toe area, which increases the moment of inertia and forgiveness of the iron. At address the clubhead sits very well behind the ball, although in some of the longer irons you can see the back of the cavity, which may not appeal to all. Now, do't you think the g20 irons deserve the popularity? When you use it , you will make sure your answer.
Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Driver, the good one!
Rocketballz is the name of the new line of drivers, irons or golf balls. The company aims to add distance for players. Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Driver are being offered in two models: RocketBallz and RocketBallz Tour. So you can find what you want. The two visions can give you different feeling whne you play them. You can try them, you will find the suitable one. The RocketBallz driver boasts a larger appearance at address with a standard face height, while the RBZ Driver is mid-sized at address with a deeper face. Both are traditionally shaped and feature improved aerodynamics thanks to TaylorMade’s Ultra-Thin Wall (UTW) casting process and Thick-Thin crown design.
The Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ high-MOI titanium head also features TaylorMade’s Inverted Cone Technology (ICT) milled directly into the back of a clubface. This technology dramatically enlarges the portion of the face that delivers high COR and fast ball speed, significantly improving performance on mis-hits. We know that the driver have a good design. The crown color also eliminates high-intensity “hot spots” caused by reflected sunlight that afflicts gloss-finish metalwoods. More technology than I know what to do with. This is the reason why it is better the olders. If you choose the TaylormadeTaylormade RBZ driver , you will be satisfied with your buy. You will not buy another one. So it can help you save much.
The Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ high-MOI titanium head also features TaylorMade’s Inverted Cone Technology (ICT) milled directly into the back of a clubface. This technology dramatically enlarges the portion of the face that delivers high COR and fast ball speed, significantly improving performance on mis-hits. We know that the driver have a good design. The crown color also eliminates high-intensity “hot spots” caused by reflected sunlight that afflicts gloss-finish metalwoods. More technology than I know what to do with. This is the reason why it is better the olders. If you choose the TaylormadeTaylormade RBZ driver , you will be satisfied with your buy. You will not buy another one. So it can help you save much.
Friday, 10 February 2012
ap1 irons which can help me achieve your goal
If you are interested in playing golf, I believe that you must know some golf manufactures, such as, TaylorMade, Callaway, Ping and so on. In fact, there is another golf manufacture. It is Titleist which offers many kinds of golf equipments. Recently, it has produced the titleist ap1 712 Irons which comes with high performance. And it is very popular among golfers. It also can improve golfer's game. So golf player can get the advantages from the irons. Today, I am going to talk about the Titleist AP1 712 Irons so that you can know it clearly. They may be your best iron.
Every golfer want to have a good game! Of course, golfers should have a good set golf clubs. This is the most important factor for golfers. As I said that the ap1 712 Irons is a good golf club for golfers. There is one sentence which can describe the iron--ap1 irons which can help me achieve your goal. That is to say, if you want to improve your game, you can tyr this iron. Now, you can buy it online. By using the iron, you will have a suprising feeling about this iron! I have played this iron for many times. And I think that the ap1 irons are good performers which can help me achieve my goal. Titleist don't disappoint us. I'll tell my friends you have them in stock. It is my good friend because it can help me too much.
Every golfer want to have a good game! Of course, golfers should have a good set golf clubs. This is the most important factor for golfers. As I said that the ap1 712 Irons is a good golf club for golfers. There is one sentence which can describe the iron--ap1 irons which can help me achieve your goal. That is to say, if you want to improve your game, you can tyr this iron. Now, you can buy it online. By using the iron, you will have a suprising feeling about this iron! I have played this iron for many times. And I think that the ap1 irons are good performers which can help me achieve my goal. Titleist don't disappoint us. I'll tell my friends you have them in stock. It is my good friend because it can help me too much.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
burner 2.0 Driver, awesome club!
When it comes to pure power and distance off the tee the TaylorMade Burner SuperFast 2.0 Driver has been designed to be the ultimate weapon. Improved SuperFast technology and a more aerodynamic clubhead shape makes it longer, lighter and faster. At only 279 grams, it is lighter and faster than any previous TaylorMade driver, while the ultra-large face promotes higher launch and lower spin, all for more distance. 2.0 driver has been used Ultra-thin Wall technology on the inside reduces the wall thickness in the clubhead to allow for a larger face up front. This creates the biggest face on any TaylorMade Driver which gives you a larger hitting area with a larger sweet spot for more forgiveness.
I purchased burner 2.0 Driver because I needed a club with a more open face than normal due to the fact that I draw the ball horribly. My first few hits were still drawing, but not as bad, so I took a step back and was coached by my dad to change my grip and stance and on my next hit I absolutely crushed the ball exactly where I was aiming. I learned quickly that a club alone cannot save you from bad shots; however, I am very impressed with the feel of the club and the large sweet spot. My distance improved tremendously as well. This club has somehow forced me to focus on every single shot I take with it and I am liking that because now it is a game of how far and straight I can hit it rather than how close to the fairway I can get it. Love this taylormade burner 2.0.
I purchased burner 2.0 Driver because I needed a club with a more open face than normal due to the fact that I draw the ball horribly. My first few hits were still drawing, but not as bad, so I took a step back and was coached by my dad to change my grip and stance and on my next hit I absolutely crushed the ball exactly where I was aiming. I learned quickly that a club alone cannot save you from bad shots; however, I am very impressed with the feel of the club and the large sweet spot. My distance improved tremendously as well. This club has somehow forced me to focus on every single shot I take with it and I am liking that because now it is a game of how far and straight I can hit it rather than how close to the fairway I can get it. Love this taylormade burner 2.0.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
R11 taylor made is made for giving you great feel!
TaylorMade-Adidas golf is one of the largest golf club manufacturers in the world. TaylorMade is an undisputed industry leader in golf equipment, offering a complete product line with innovative design and technology-based product for golfers of all skill levels. I am a fan of TaylorMade. Here, I would like to recommend the TaylorMade R11 Irons to all golfers. A weight port is permanently placed in the center of the back of an iron head during production guarantee that each iron has the same swing weight. The CG location is optimally positioned in the center of the face between the toe and heel. r11 Irons are great!
The Inverted Cone Technology inside the r11 taylormade promotes faster ball speed and distance on off-center hits, and the ultra-thin face thickness also promotes faster ball speed and distance in the R11 long- and middle-irons. These are one of the best set of clubs I have ever hit and the guy was a great person to deal with. I have been hitting them but only played them once but seem to be very forgiving and very long. Now, I can hit 10yds further by using the r11 taylor made. In a word, the iron is made for giving you great feel!
The Inverted Cone Technology inside the r11 taylormade promotes faster ball speed and distance on off-center hits, and the ultra-thin face thickness also promotes faster ball speed and distance in the R11 long- and middle-irons. These are one of the best set of clubs I have ever hit and the guy was a great person to deal with. I have been hitting them but only played them once but seem to be very forgiving and very long. Now, I can hit 10yds further by using the r11 taylor made. In a word, the iron is made for giving you great feel!
Ping K15 Irons worth your try
Do you know Lee Westwood? As a golf player, you must know him. He is a famous golf star. And dou you know what golf brand he is always fond of? The answer is Ping! It was said that he used Ping clubs for a long time and got his first set of Ping golf clubs when he was a spam spammer spamming-ager in the mid-eighties. He's been playing Pings ever since his junior golf days and he's become Europe's number one player, and the 2009 European Tour money leader. Why? Because Ping is realy an outstanding company that always released perfect golf equipment. The Ping K15 Irons is no exception. In my own eyes, you must have a try if you are thinking about a new set of irons. They worth your try. In the follwing, I will let you know more about the ping k15.
First of all, by using this weight to widen the sole, the k15 irons promote a much higher ball flight even on those unfortunate misshits while also greatly enhancing the moment of inertia. Confirming completely with the revised R&A groove rules, they feature a larger clubhead to improve forgiveness and deliver a complete game improvement club. What's more, the k15 irons allow you to enjoy a consistent and high trajectory throughout the set with the inclusion of strengthened lofts while you can enjoy complete flexibility by choosing to replace the 5 and 6 irons with the 5 and 6 K15 hybrids to create an iron set that is comfortable enough to give you confidence on every shot. Lastly, the ping irons k15 are available with the AWT steel shafts that provide lighter long iron shafts for better swing speeds and trajectory and heavier short iron shafts for control and penetration. All in all, you must have a try and you will fall in love with them as you use them.
First of all, by using this weight to widen the sole, the k15 irons promote a much higher ball flight even on those unfortunate misshits while also greatly enhancing the moment of inertia. Confirming completely with the revised R&A groove rules, they feature a larger clubhead to improve forgiveness and deliver a complete game improvement club. What's more, the k15 irons allow you to enjoy a consistent and high trajectory throughout the set with the inclusion of strengthened lofts while you can enjoy complete flexibility by choosing to replace the 5 and 6 irons with the 5 and 6 K15 hybrids to create an iron set that is comfortable enough to give you confidence on every shot. Lastly, the ping irons k15 are available with the AWT steel shafts that provide lighter long iron shafts for better swing speeds and trajectory and heavier short iron shafts for control and penetration. All in all, you must have a try and you will fall in love with them as you use them.
Ping K15 Irons, is the best one for beginners!
Every manufacturer seems to have their own product release cycle to successfully position their brand in the market. Ping is no different. It has released many golf clubs for golfers. Today, I am going to talk about one product of Ping line. The K15 line has replaced the multi-material Rapture line of clubs, but at a very different price point. Now see something about Ping K15 Irons. In my opinion, I think that the iron is the best one for beginners! In order to improve your ball flight and build consistency in your game, the larger ping k15 combines a lightweight titanium face with a stainless-steel body to increase both forgiveness and launch conditions.
ping irons k15, which the makers claim are engineered to help golfers bring their shots back on line using what the company's designers call 'Straight Flight Technology.' The clubs in this K15 combination set of irons and hybrids make the game as easy as I have ever known it. The dark grey looks generate confidence, while the stainless steel body helps increase forgiveness and delivers higher launch. These irons are exceptionally well built, as long as anything else out there, and for once--Ping is giving Adams a real run for their money in the Forgiveness department, while beating them in the distance game. If you are a beginner or high capper and in the market for irons--these deserve more than just a cursory glance. You should try the k15 irons now!
ping irons k15, which the makers claim are engineered to help golfers bring their shots back on line using what the company's designers call 'Straight Flight Technology.' The clubs in this K15 combination set of irons and hybrids make the game as easy as I have ever known it. The dark grey looks generate confidence, while the stainless steel body helps increase forgiveness and delivers higher launch. These irons are exceptionally well built, as long as anything else out there, and for once--Ping is giving Adams a real run for their money in the Forgiveness department, while beating them in the distance game. If you are a beginner or high capper and in the market for irons--these deserve more than just a cursory glance. You should try the k15 irons now!
Monday, 6 February 2012
Rocketballz RBZ Irons is your new choice!
TaylorMade Golf, today introduced Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Irons, a progressive and dynamic set engineered to deliver effortless distance and a higher and straighter ball flight. This winning combination of distance and accuracy makes the new RBZ iron a game-changer and positions to be one of the greatest iron sets in company history. If you are looking for a new iron, this one will be your must buy here. It is the newest iron. There is no doubt that the new Rocketballz RBZ Irons will be an improvement over any other iron in a golfer's bag. These technological advancements will be visible to the golfer upon first contact with a ball.
Key to the distance performance of Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade is a large, thin clubface that’s strong and stiff at the perimeter and thin at the inner edge, allowing the face to flex freely like a trampoline. No part of the clubhead structure inhibits or restricts the flexion of the face. Taylormade RBZ Irons also incorporate TaylorMade’s Inverted Cone clubface technology, which expands the portion of the face that delivers high ball speed, promoting more distance on off-center hits. All in all, the iron will help you too much! So you can have a try!
Key to the distance performance of Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade is a large, thin clubface that’s strong and stiff at the perimeter and thin at the inner edge, allowing the face to flex freely like a trampoline. No part of the clubhead structure inhibits or restricts the flexion of the face. Taylormade RBZ Irons also incorporate TaylorMade’s Inverted Cone clubface technology, which expands the portion of the face that delivers high ball speed, promoting more distance on off-center hits. All in all, the iron will help you too much! So you can have a try!
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Ping G20 Irons offer what I want
As golfers, we all know getting new irons is a big decision and making the wrong decision can cost us money and time. Irons are a very important tool that you will be using to score better on the golf course.This means that you want to get the right irons for you and the Ping G20 Irons are built to fit many different golfers! Recently have purchased these irons and what I want to say is that they offer me what I want, either distance or accuracy! Fantastic irons and Highly recommend to you if you are aiming at improving your golf.
To begin with, Ping have added extreme perimeter weighting in the deep, multi-cavity back of the irons which makes the 17-4 stainless steel heads highly forgiving. The multi-material cavity badge made with soft elastomer heel and toe sections improves the feel and sound of the club, while the cavity's floating CTP structure stabilises the ping g20's thin face to generate fast ball speeds. At the same time, one of the most annoying feelings in golf is hitting a sweet iron shot at the green, only to see that you've flown the dancefloor or come up woefully short. The g20 irons can change all that. The new irons offer excellent distance control as the thin face is backed by a floating Custom Tuning Port which means golfers can be confident that each iron is going to deliver a consistent distance. Therefore, I can obtain a better distance.
In a word, the ping irons g20 are designed to hit the ball long with forgiveness and distance control but offer much more than just great distance control. They are incredibly easy to use, and the low and deep centre of gravity position delivers a high, powerful launch too. They will entertain you with great feeling! Just buy them friends!
To begin with, Ping have added extreme perimeter weighting in the deep, multi-cavity back of the irons which makes the 17-4 stainless steel heads highly forgiving. The multi-material cavity badge made with soft elastomer heel and toe sections improves the feel and sound of the club, while the cavity's floating CTP structure stabilises the ping g20's thin face to generate fast ball speeds. At the same time, one of the most annoying feelings in golf is hitting a sweet iron shot at the green, only to see that you've flown the dancefloor or come up woefully short. The g20 irons can change all that. The new irons offer excellent distance control as the thin face is backed by a floating Custom Tuning Port which means golfers can be confident that each iron is going to deliver a consistent distance. Therefore, I can obtain a better distance.
In a word, the ping irons g20 are designed to hit the ball long with forgiveness and distance control but offer much more than just great distance control. They are incredibly easy to use, and the low and deep centre of gravity position delivers a high, powerful launch too. They will entertain you with great feeling! Just buy them friends!
Thursday, 2 February 2012
TaylorMade R11 Irons, like it very much!
When Taylormade release its R11 driver, we all know that the white headed driver come with the best innovative adjustability technologies, then it make the r11 become the NO.1 driver qucily on the PGA Tour, and now the r11 Irons also come, with many golfers' anticipation, do the new r11 taylormade also come with the good technologies? Taylormade said that the new TaylorMade R11 Irons are designed for the players who appreciate the shape and refinement of a tour-grade iron but need the help of technology to launch the ball high, straight, and long with less effort, regardless of handicap.
Taylormade utilizes its inverted cone technology to expand the sweet area reducing overall loss on off center hits. The multifunctional sole is versatile and made to excel in any lie. The new r11 taylormade has traditional loft s with a 27.5* 5 iron and is considered between mid and compact size with less offset. I have now played 5 rounds with my new set and I couldn't be happier. r11 taylor madeI have been playing more golf than I used to and I was looking for a solid set that would use the advanced technology available. The clubs are very accurate and fly at a high trajectory. Love this iron too much.
Taylormade utilizes its inverted cone technology to expand the sweet area reducing overall loss on off center hits. The multifunctional sole is versatile and made to excel in any lie. The new r11 taylormade has traditional loft s with a 27.5* 5 iron and is considered between mid and compact size with less offset. I have now played 5 rounds with my new set and I couldn't be happier. r11 taylor madeI have been playing more golf than I used to and I was looking for a solid set that would use the advanced technology available. The clubs are very accurate and fly at a high trajectory. Love this iron too much.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
What makes Rocketballz RBZ driver so hot?
With the news that TaylorMade, a popular golf company, introduced a revolutionary new driver called Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Driver coming out, many people are waiting for its avialabity. Even it is not aviablbe on the market now, it is now white hot among us TaylorMade fans. And then you may have the question that why Rocketballz RBZ driver is so hot? What makes it so popular? Today I will answer your question. Hope you will be one of us TaylorMade fans after you kowm about it.
When you first see the Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade, you may caught up by its white crown. It looks so good. I want to tell you that the white crown is not just designed for beauty, but can inspire confidence and eliminates hot spots. Like all new TaylorMade drivers, Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade has a white crown color and black PVD face to provide optimum contrast against the ground to allow for easy alignment and aim. And the crown color can eliminate high-intensity "hot spots" caused by reflected sunlight that afflicts gloss-finish metalwoods. Besides it will make the 460cc RBZ driver appear slightly larger, which when compared to the size of the ball, translates as a key confidence builder when teeing off.
Next, I will move on to its technology. There is no doubt that Taylormade RBZ Driver is a hitech product, however, the Inverted Cone Technology is its lightpoint. Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Driver's high-MOI titanium head features TaylorMade's Inverted Cone Technology milled directly into the back of a clubface which dramatically enlarges the portion of the face that delivers high COR and fast ball speed, significantly improving performance on mis-hits.
When you first see the Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade, you may caught up by its white crown. It looks so good. I want to tell you that the white crown is not just designed for beauty, but can inspire confidence and eliminates hot spots. Like all new TaylorMade drivers, Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade has a white crown color and black PVD face to provide optimum contrast against the ground to allow for easy alignment and aim. And the crown color can eliminate high-intensity "hot spots" caused by reflected sunlight that afflicts gloss-finish metalwoods. Besides it will make the 460cc RBZ driver appear slightly larger, which when compared to the size of the ball, translates as a key confidence builder when teeing off.
Next, I will move on to its technology. There is no doubt that Taylormade RBZ Driver is a hitech product, however, the Inverted Cone Technology is its lightpoint. Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Driver's high-MOI titanium head features TaylorMade's Inverted Cone Technology milled directly into the back of a clubface which dramatically enlarges the portion of the face that delivers high COR and fast ball speed, significantly improving performance on mis-hits.
Scotty cameron putter is still the best puttter now!
Expect for the TaylorMade, the Titleist is also a leading golf company in the world. I am not a fan of Titleist, however, I like its putter mostly, especially for the Titleist Scotty Cameron Studio Select Newport 2 Putter. I think that the Scotty cameron putter is still the best puttter now! We know that there are many putter on the market, but, I think that it is the best one. I bought it for a long time. I still love it. Now, I can give you some details. This family of precision milled 303 Stainless Steel putters features bold red tour graphics, an improved high toe profile, and heel & toe sole weights that allow for multiple length options in each model. Ping G20 Driver The heel-toe weights provide increased stability by reducing head rotation on off-center impacts for a larger sweet spot.
The putter is expensive but when you consider that you hit about 30-40% of your shots with the putter then you realise, its worth it. This putter is not a fashion statement it is a serious piece of equipment whose potential is fully realised on the greens. Ping K15 Irons This is a putter for all occasions, a putter for life, my putter. The improved high toe profile of Studio Select helps eliminate the tendency to raise the toe at address thereby causing the player to aim left of target. TaylorMade R11 IronsStudio Select also features a stepless shaft for a clean look at address and soft but solid feel, as well as a new red Cameron cord grip.This putter head has a great feel. The face design with it's milled surface rolls the ball nicely. I like the smooth look of the over the hosel shaft design.
The putter is expensive but when you consider that you hit about 30-40% of your shots with the putter then you realise, its worth it. This putter is not a fashion statement it is a serious piece of equipment whose potential is fully realised on the greens. Ping K15 Irons This is a putter for all occasions, a putter for life, my putter. The improved high toe profile of Studio Select helps eliminate the tendency to raise the toe at address thereby causing the player to aim left of target. TaylorMade R11 IronsStudio Select also features a stepless shaft for a clean look at address and soft but solid feel, as well as a new red Cameron cord grip.This putter head has a great feel. The face design with it's milled surface rolls the ball nicely. I like the smooth look of the over the hosel shaft design.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Taylormade RBZ Irons, an improvement iron
Are you interested in playing golf? If you are, I am sure that you must know the TaylorMade. Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ IronsBecause it is a leading golf manufacture in the world. Its products are very popular among golfers. TaylorMade is an undisputed industry leader in golf equipment, offering a complete product line with innovative design and technology-based product for golfers of all skill levels. TaylorMade has a large presence on the PGA Tour as well as most competitive international tours. Now, Rocketballz RBZ Irons TaylorMade Golf, today introduced RocketBallz irons, a progressive and dynamic set engineered to deliver effortless distance and a higher and straighter ball flight.
Without a doubt, the new RocketBallz iron will be an improvement over any other iron in a golfer’s bag. Rocketballz RBZ TaylormadeKey to the distance performance of RocketBallz irons is a large, thin clubface that’s strong and stiff at the perimeter and thin at the inner edge, allowing the face to flex freely like a trampoline. No part of the clubhead structure inhibits or restricts the flexion of the face. RocketBallz also incorporate TaylorMade’s Inverted Cone clubface technology, Taylormade RBZ Ironswhich expands the portion of the face that delivers high ball speed, promoting more distance on off-center hits. In a word, if you choose the iron, you will not regret choosing it.
Without a doubt, the new RocketBallz iron will be an improvement over any other iron in a golfer’s bag. Rocketballz RBZ TaylormadeKey to the distance performance of RocketBallz irons is a large, thin clubface that’s strong and stiff at the perimeter and thin at the inner edge, allowing the face to flex freely like a trampoline. No part of the clubhead structure inhibits or restricts the flexion of the face. RocketBallz also incorporate TaylorMade’s Inverted Cone clubface technology, Taylormade RBZ Ironswhich expands the portion of the face that delivers high ball speed, promoting more distance on off-center hits. In a word, if you choose the iron, you will not regret choosing it.
You should keep K15 Irons in your bag!
The Ping K15 Irons , which its company claim are engineered to help golfers bring their shots back on line using what the company's designers call 'Straight Flight Technology' set. It was hard to see how Ping could add a set to their range that was more forgiving than the G15. But the ping k15 achieve this with enormous heads and extremely wide soles that combine to produce hybrid-like performance. They heads are so big that they even make it easy to line up at the intended target. These will prove a godsend for anyone who struggles to get the ball airborne. The ball flies so high that is also stops extremely quickly.
Besides, the k15 irons enable you to customize sticks for optimum performance. This set is also made with an offset hosel, which helps to lower the spin by allowing you to close the club face easier at impact. You will be amazed when you pull these babies out and give them their first test run. Many of those that have already started to play these irons and hybrids are thrilled with the performance that they are getting out of them. In my opinion, after used the ping irons k15 , I am satisfied with them very much! Short irons are very crisp and longer irons forgiving, just what mid handicapper as me are looking for. I added a good 15 yards to every club. These clubs are a great deal and they were the smartest purchase I've made with golf.
Besides, the k15 irons enable you to customize sticks for optimum performance. This set is also made with an offset hosel, which helps to lower the spin by allowing you to close the club face easier at impact. You will be amazed when you pull these babies out and give them their first test run. Many of those that have already started to play these irons and hybrids are thrilled with the performance that they are getting out of them. In my opinion, after used the ping irons k15 , I am satisfied with them very much! Short irons are very crisp and longer irons forgiving, just what mid handicapper as me are looking for. I added a good 15 yards to every club. These clubs are a great deal and they were the smartest purchase I've made with golf.
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